Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 01:01 am EST

Geeklog Forums

Changing Default User Settings


How/Is there a way to change the defualt user setting to include a custom group that I made.


No, the software doesn't do that, and I'm not sure why you would want to. The purpose of groups is to restrict info in some way. By default, everyone belongs to the Users Group. If you want everyone to have access to the info from this group you created, all you have to do is set the permissions to allow "members" and "anoymous" to read. If you want everyone to be able to modify this information too, then set the group to "Users" and give the Group read and write access.


I'm asking what piece of the coding would I have to change to add my own group to be one of the default groups, which all users and logged-in users are now. If anybody knows how to do this, or if it is possible let me know.


To have a checkmark show up in the box next to your group's name as a default in the User Editor, you need to edit the user.php file. In the function edituser, add another selected line after these two for your group. $selected = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'],'grp_id',"grp_name='All Users'"Wink . ' '; $selected .= DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'],'grp_id',"grp_name='Logged-in Users'"Wink;



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