Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 28 2024 @ 12:34 am EST

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A links problem


Im having a problem with my links... All the categorys have disapeared and when someone adds a link it doesn't show up... help? Thanks Smile

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Registered: 01/11/03
Posts: 43
I'm having the same problems too Frown I haven't changed anything in my config (linkcols and linksperpage are NOT 0 ) either. The categories just disappeared. It only displays the top 10 links. Help, anyone?

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Registered: 01/11/03
Posts: 43
I just noticed that you too, have just changed your theme. Do you think that this caused the problem? I just changed my theme too (before I noticed the links change) and I ended up replacing some missing thtml files from XSilver in the links folder. The config.php still calls for those templates but they're not showing up in the executed links.php. The file names are the same so I still don't know what's causing the problem Frown


I was able to solve this problem by copying the 3 missing thtml files from the Yahoo theme. I am using the OS_Commerce theme, and had originally copied the 3 missing thtml files from another theme. Even though there were only very slight changes between the other theme [i forget which] and the Yahoo one, it made a big difference, is that all I got was a top ten list and no categories. Copying the following files into the OS_Commerce/links dir worked for me: Yahoo/links/categorylinks.thtml Yahoo/links/links.thtml Yahoo/links/linkdetails.thtml HTH, /vjl/


That doesn't work for me? I copied them from the Yahoo theme, but still no categories, besides Other Frown

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