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lib custom

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Registered: 06/24/03
Posts: 3
I really really need help with placing in blocks in my gl, like i tired adding affiliates and memos block and its not working I get an error mesg in the blocks i created saying this "Error in PHP Block. Function, function phpblock_Affiliate, does not exist." "Error in PHP Block. Function, phpblock_getmemos, does not exist." can someone plze help?????? Surprised!(

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, so did you copy these functions into your lib-custom.php file? bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/24/03
Posts: 3
yes i did want to see them....... "
Text Formatted Code

function phpblock_getmemos()
  global $_USER, $_NEWM, $_NOM, $new_memos;
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(id) FROM gl_memo WHERE username = '$_USER[username]' AND rd = ''");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    $new_memos = $row['count(id)'];
        if($new_memos <= 0){
        $_NOM = "";
           return $_NOM;
          $_NEWM .= "<b><u><FONT face="verdana"><hr>
                     <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF">You have <A href="memo_read.php">(" .
                     $new_memos .")</a> new memo</u></b></FONT><hr>";
        return $_NEWM ;
function phpblock_Affiliate() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG10; $result = DB_query( "SELECT lid,url,title,hits from {$_TABLES['links']} WHERE category = 'Affiliates' ORDER BY title" ); $nrows = DB_numRows( $result ); $affil_templates = new Template( $_CONF['path_layout'] . 'stats' ); $affil_templates->set_file( array( 'itemstats'=>'itemstatistics.thtml', 'statrow'=>'singlestat.thtml' )); if( $nrows > 0 ) { //uncomment if you would like the links/stats headers to display //$affil_templates->set_var( 'item_label', $LANG10[19] ); //$affil_templates->set_var( 'stat_name', $LANG10[20] ); for( $i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) { $A = DB_fetchArray( $result ); $affil_templates->set_var( 'item_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/portal.php?url=' . $A['url'] . '&what=link&item=' . $A['lid'] ); $affil_templates->set_var( 'item_text', stripslashes( str_replace( '$', '$', $A['title'] ))); // uncomment if you would like the stats to display next to the affiliate //$affil_templates->set_var( 'item_stat', $A['hits'] ); $affil_templates->parse( 'stat_row', 'statrow', true ); } $affil_templates->parse( 'output', 'itemstats' ); $retval .= $affil_templates->finish( $affil_templates->get_var( 'output' )); } else { $retval .= $LANG10[21]; } return $retval; } ?> this is how it looks inside my lib file???????????

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm, so you've edited the correct file and placed it in the correct directory (just checking ...)? Are there any error messages displayed on the site (other than the one about the blocks not being found)? For example, if you have a parse error in lib-custom.php, it won't work either ... URL? bye, Dirk


i have no other error on my site, my url is www.clanpol.com Frown


Did anyone ever determine the problem here? I am having the same problem with the memo block. Cheers, Tommy22

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