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4Images Integration Rating Problem


I installed 4images integration and everything is working great except for the rating system for images. I get the following error when I try to rate the image: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:mywebsitelib-common.php(859) : eval()'d code:5) in C:mywebsitegalleryincludespage_header.php on line 248 I checked at line 248 in the page_header.php and it is trying to set the cookie to indicate that you rated the image. Can anyone help with this? Thanks


I had the same problem on mine and tried dozens of different things to try and get it to work (including a fresh install of GL with just 4images added on). After researching some more I stumbled across a solution here for a different problem (with the same type of error) -- IIRC, the fix was to preface the line being complained about with an @ sign.


Yes that worked for me - Thank You. What also worked was to set output_bufferring = On in php.ini but i like your solution better. Thanks

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Registered: 11/26/04
Posts: 8
I had this problem in my GL 1.3.9 rc2 site and the fix was a bit different, but on the same track as the last messge from the 6/27/03 post:

I added the "@" sign to the line

setcookie($cookie_name.'rated', serialize($cookie_rated),

to end up with

@setcookie($cookie_name.'rated', serialize($cookie_rated),

See the code fragment from the page_header.php template

The full example is given below for sake of clarity

//--- Save Rating -------------------------------------
if ($action == "rateimage" && $id) {
$rating = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['rating']);
$cookie_name = (defined("COOKIE_NAME")) ? COOKIE_NAME : "4images_";
$cookie_rated = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated']) ? unserialize(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated'])) : array();
if ($rating && $rating if (!isset($session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
$session_info['rated_imgs'] = $site_sess->get_session_var("rated_imgs");
$split_list = array();
if (!empty($session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
$split_list = explode(" ", $session_info['rated_imgs']);
if (!in_array($id, $split_list) && !in_array($id, $cookie_rated)) {
$session_info['rated_imgs'] .= " ".$id;
$session_info['rated_imgs'] = trim($session_info['rated_imgs']);
$site_sess->set_session_var("rated_imgs", $session_info['rated_imgs']);
$cookie_rated[] = $id;
$cookie_expire = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 4;
@setcookie($cookie_name.'rated', serialize($cookie_rated), $cookie_expire, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, COOKIE_SECURE);
update_image_rating($id, $rating);
$msg = $lang['voting_success'];
else {
$msg = $lang['already_voted'];
else {
$msg = $lang['voting_error'];


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