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Width of Page ; Help!

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Hi ... I have used the Wintermute theme and found that it's width is always the same, that means if I set a static page w/o the right block, the page width is still the same as the main page. Kewl theme, but some of my users cannot take the dull wordings ... The thing is I wanna implement this also on XNature / XSilver theme. It's becos when I change to a page w/o right block, the width will change variably, and links @header.thtml will appear to be out of alignment.
Die young, stay Pretty

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Anybody ??? Question
Die young, stay Pretty

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you need to see the coding of the theme. i take a look then post later. sorry, very busy now...

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Seems to be this ... - http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=2002092512595946&query=width
Die young, stay Pretty

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anyone ??? Frown
Die young, stay Pretty

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Upz .... Question
Die young, stay Pretty

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Themes are (mostly) plain HTML. If you have a problem with width, have a look at the HTML source and change the widths. And please stop pushing topics up. If you don\'t get an answer, then chances are nobody knows the answer or understood your question ... bye, Dirk

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I finally found it, it\'s in header.thml after Example : The one in bold is the adjustment that we should make .. YEs! Mr. Green
Die young, stay Pretty

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I finally found it, it\'s in header.thml after

Example :

The one in bold is the adjustment that we should make .. YEs!

Mr. Green
Die young, stay Pretty

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I finally found it, it\'s in header.thml after the /head Can\'t seem to post it but it\'s the first table border width ... Smile
Die young, stay Pretty

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