Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 30 2024 @ 11:15 am EST
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Discreet got geeked.
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I work at a software company called Discreet, a division of Autodesk. We do high-end visual-effects software (corporate site here -- not a geeked site), and I work on the documentation team.
On my own initiative, and with the help of many people here, I set up a Geeked site for our internal information mgt. purposes. It's a bit hit, and may migrate soon to other development teams. Tony and co. have ceom up with one hell of a versatile platform, and deserve a round of applause... especially when I get a big fat raise ;>p
Sorry I can't post a link... it's buried deep behind the firewall.
Shouting out thanks to those here who have helped...
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Well, as Simply Red sang years and years ago: "Money's too tight to mention." We're in a bit of a slump at the moment...
But I am otherwise contributing my time and effort toward a comprehensive documentation project for GL... it's a long term plan, but it's in the works.
That besides, I don't feel very comfortable with the tone that underlies the comment's title "Commercial use of Geeklog"... as if I've done something wrong. People just use GL for whatever reason and are otherwise encouraged to provide feedback to improve the software over the long haul. This too I've been contributing to with bug reports and feature requests.
The GPL allows for this, no?
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I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, so I'm not here to debate the intricacies (sp?) of the GPL. I honestly have no idea if you've done anything in contravention of it. I'm just saying that the people who write this software spend an awful lot of time on it, and I feel far too many people just consider it "free software".
Yes, I'm using it on several of my sites, and no I'm not paying them any money either. But if I ever make any money off my sites (at present I have not made so much as a dime off them), I do have every intention to funnel some money to the good folks who made it all possible.
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