Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 08:46 am EST
Geeklog Forums
Thane Community got Geeked!
The moment you've all been waiting for (or not)!!! What has this "Creator" been creating???
Thane Community is a community site created for the purpose of helping people live a better life via products such as the AB-DOer, the world's best total midsection exercise machine, or Le Presse, the best kitchen prep tool you will ever have. There are also entertainment factors such as Daily Comics, Horoscopes, etc. It is about to go public, possibly this week (as soon as the invitation letter is approved by the Higher Powers (namely my bosses) and distributed).
Fellow Geekers, you're all invited to participate now regardless!!! Comments and feedback, either here or there, would be greatly welcome!
Visit Thane Community if you please.
Many, many, many thanks to GeekLog and its developers for such a great product! You can be assured that GeekLog, and only GeekLog, will be used in my future projects!
L. Whitworth
Really? That 's odd as I show no nbsp's on either my Mac IE, NN, nor my PC IE & NN (all of which are latest versions). What platform/browser are you using? I'd really appreciate it if you include statistics like these in you replies, as this is GeekLog and is that not what true geeks do? Anyone else see those  's???
In fact I'm using nbsps now. Anybody have any other comments? Come on, I know you're dying to tell me...
L. Whitworth
L. Whitworth
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