You can turn off the right blocks rather quickly once you know where to look. Dirk helped me with this earlier at this link:
I should note that I had to do both his suggestion and the hack that I spoke of in the initial post. The combination solved the problem for me, but in some themes perhaps Dirk's suggestion is all that is necessary.
The author list is a little different. I had to modify the admin/story.php file with the following code:
// buck was here - i adapted this code from the search.php:
$result = DB_query("SELECT uid,username FROM {$_TABLES['users']} WHERE uid in ($inlist) ORDER by username"
$useroptions = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= DB_numRows($result); $i++) {
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
$useroptions .= '<option value="' . $A['uid'] . '">' . $A['username'] . '</option>';
$searchform->set_var('author_option_list', $useroptions);
$searchform->parse('author_form_element', 'authors', true);
// to something like this:
$authorlistresults = DB_query("SELECT uid,fullname FROM gl_users WHERE author='1' ORDER BY fullname"
$authorlistoptions = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= DB_numRows($authorlistresults); $i++) {
$Z = DB_fetchArray($authorlistresults);
$authorlistoptions .= '<option value="' . $Z['uid'] . '"';
if($A['uid'] == $Z['uid']) { // buck: this adds the selected attribute to the one which the database already
$authorlistoptions .= ' selected'; // lists as the author so that you don't have to reselect it every time!!!
$authorlistoptions .= '>' . $Z['fullname'] . '</option>';
$story_templates->set_var('author_list', $authorlistoptions);
// similarly for the pdf page number call (11/6/02) you'll also need to change storysubmit function below
$pagenumoptions = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 32; $i++) {
$pagenumoptions .= '<option value="' . $i . '"';
if($A['pagenumber'] == $i) {
$pagenumoptions .= ' selected';
$pagenumoptions .= '>' . $i . '</option>';
$story_templates->set_var('page_number_list', $pagenumoptions);
// similarly for the subject list
$subjectlistresults = DB_query("SELECT id,name FROM gl_subjects ORDER BY id"
$subjectlistoptions = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= DB_numRows($subjectlistresults); $i++) {
$Z = DB_fetchArray($subjectlistresults);
$subjectlistoptions .= '<option value="' . $Z['id'] . '"';
if($A['subject'] == $Z['id']) { // buck: this adds the selected attribute to the one which the database already
$subjectlistoptions .= ' selected'; // lists as the author so that you don't have to reselect it every time!!!
$subjectlistoptions .= '>' . $Z['name'] . '</option>';
$story_templates->set_var('subject_list', $subjectlistoptions);
// that's all i changed
This allows me not only to select the author, but also the subject (essentially my second topic characteristic) and the pdf page. You'll need to add these input calls to the theme you have selected, in the admin/story/storysubmit.thmtl i believe.... I also had to manually go into the stories table and add a few fields: author, subject, pagenum, etc. This may make upgrading to the next GL difficult, but as consolation you can add these fields as much as you like and increase the flexibility of your GL installation.