Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 09:18 am EST

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Pirate Ninja's Has been geeked.

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Registered: 01/14/03
Posts: 37
This is my third geeklog site and the first one where I attempted a new theme.

I started with the clean theme, and just kept going until it didn't look anything like it. It still needs some work but it's comeing along nice. I even customized the forum. Still have a few more icons to replace.

The site is for a clan/outfit in the new game PlanetSide.

Anyway, here is the site.


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Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 1232
Nice job and the nicest theme job (with the exeption of squatty' work) that I have seen for the forum. I suggest you package it up and make it available - great work. Blaine
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


Before doing so, he ought to clean up his html. He has meta tags listed all throughout the body and an extra head tag stuck right in the middle of the body too and a bunch of tables with width attributes but no values. It's a very pretty theme but the html is messed up a bit.

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Registered: 01/14/03
Posts: 37
Yeah, someone else told me this to (maybe it was you over at squatty's site) I went through and cleaned it all up, but when I go back to look at it, it seems my HTML editor is putting all the meta tags back in. (ACE HTML is what I'm using). I can't find an option in the editor to turn this "feature" off. Unless it's doing some sort of auto syntax correction. I'm no HTML wiz. I'll trying turning off any syntax correction, maybe thats it. Out of curiosity, what impact is there having all the extra meta tags?


It may confuse some visitors' browsers when displaying the page. Many are very forgiving of stray tags but some aren't. Since it shows up at regular intervals, I'm guessing it was mistakenly inserted into one of the template files other than header.thtml. It's a very nice looking theme otherwise.

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Registered: 03/04/03
Posts: 100
Nice theme.... Smile
Die young, stay Pretty

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