Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 11:16 am EST

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The new phpbb 2.0 has a lot more features, and much better security, and better session handling. The problem is that it looks too slow. Are you going to modify the old phpbb1.4.4 and transfer the improvements from 2.0 to 1.4.4 ( i.e. session handling) or just dump it and go with new 2.0 which is really slow. Any comments on this

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Registered: 01/22/02
Posts: 30
phpBB2 is supposed to be significantly faster than the previous versions, at least so i've picked up from various sources across the web. I'm not calling you a liar, I'll believe it's slow for you. we don't make phpbb2, we make geeklog. We've hacked it into geeklog (using geeklog as a wrapper). We're not going to hack out all their session code and shove it into phpbb1.4.x or anything else for that matter. maybe down the 1.3.x chain, but certainly down the 1.4.x chain you will start to see a "forums view" for particular topics. These will probably be configurable through some admin interface. If you think about the functionality of a "forum" geeklog already has that functionality with posts and comments. We need to tweak the view a little bit, maybe do avatars or smileys or something crazy, but as far as core functionality of a forum, we mostly have it. so if you're interested in forums in geeklog 1.4 you can do a couple things. Search this site for phpbb and try to hack it into geeklog yourself, wholly do it yourself --and post your findings here, and/or wait until we have a "forum view".


Thank you for not calling me a liar. The reason I said that phpbb2 is slower than the 1.4.4 was based on the timer at the bottom of the page that said this page was created in so many seconds. A typical 1.4.4 time was around 0.04 seconds while for 2.0 version it was 0.35 seconds. That has to do with 2.0 calling on a lot more functions and also using templates, which makes it slower.


phpBB2 is supposed to be significantly faster than the previous versions, at least so i've picked up from various sources across the web.
Well.. It seems that they always say first that some new version is a LOT faster than the older one until it turns to *censored*ing and nagging about bugs and stuff.. For example Windows XP. They say "OH BOY! it's a lot faster than my previous 'OS'". Wel could it be that they have a new installation they didn't have time yet to screw up with all kinds of apps that are >supposed< to make it run EVEN FASTER!!!. At least the email said so Wink Anyway I'd be surprised if the phpBB2 would be faster.. Why would it be?


work with the latest release? "Golden Super Glossy Furry" phpBB2.0.1 edition

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