Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 08:58 pm EST

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phpBB Plugin Redux

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Hello all you awesome GeekLog hackers out there! I'm looking for a way to incorporate phpBB version 2.0.1 into my GeekLog site. I am well aware that there is a plugin for phpBB version 1.4 but that's NOT what I want to use. Is there anyone out there who has phpBB v2 or better working with their Geeked site? Is there anyone out there who would be willing to take the time to work on a phpBB plugin?

I know that there are those who say that GeekLog itself is a forum (which to large degree is true), however, GeekLog uses threaded comments and I want a topic based board without threading.

Thanks for you help!



There are a few people working on this currently. Shouldn't be too long.


Any linkage to this? Iam myself would also like to see this but Id prefer a stable phpbb 1.44 than a 2.* that isnt. if they could do a phpbb 2+ intergration it would put geeklog at the top imho

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Posts: 33
I agree with you that GeekLog coupled with phpBB 2.* would be an awesome portal and communtiy tool. I'm looking forward to it - the plugin is inevitable (I'm just impatient). I don't agree with you that phpBB 2.* isn't stable. I'm running phpBB 2.0.1 on a site I moderate and I haven't had any problems with it so far.

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If you know of anyone in particular I'd love to find a way to get in touch and get a pulse on how it's going. I'd also be glad to help them in anyway I can (you know, take their dry-cleaning out, get them coffee, bring in the paper - I'm pretty usless when it comes to coding unfortunately). Let me know if you have the 411. -Ken


Twohawks must have confused ya, phpbb 2.* is stable imho aswell. I was trying to say that id prefer a stable intergration of phpbb 1.4.* than a botched attempt at a phpbb 2.* into geeklog. Ive tried the phpbb plugin , but in the same database and had problems with it, going to try it in seperate database's tonight.

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 33
Gottcha. I agree, I want to wait for a stable plugin myself!


Hey, I too find phpbb2 very stable and use it on my geeklog site, and I created a block that shows the most recent posts from the phpbb2 forum on the geeklog site. It's not really full incorporation of phpbb2, because users still have to register seperately, but perhaps soon I will try to incorporate it that way too..

But for now, if you're interested in the block that shows recent replies on the forum, you can download it from this page and you can view an example of it in the bottom of the left column on my site.

Lemme know if you use it Smile


hi, Was looking for that phpbb2 plugin also. I noticed it's been over a month without a new reply. Any news?????


the download file isn't availible...

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