Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 08:58 pm EST
Geeklog Forums
phpBB Plugin Redux
Hello all you awesome GeekLog hackers out there! I'm looking for a way to incorporate phpBB version 2.0.1 into my GeekLog site. I am well aware that there is a plugin for phpBB version 1.4 but that's NOT what I want to use. Is there anyone out there who has phpBB v2 or better working with their Geeked site? Is there anyone out there who would be willing to take the time to work on a phpBB plugin?
I know that there are those who say that GeekLog itself is a forum (which to large degree is true), however, GeekLog uses threaded comments and I want a topic based board without threading.
Thanks for you help!
But for now, if you're interested in the block that shows recent replies on the forum, you can download it from this page and you can view an example of it in the bottom of the left column on my site.
Lemme know if you use it
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