Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 11:56 am EST

Geeklog Forums

The Geekary v1.0


Just a short note to let you all know that the Geekary is nearing completion. Approximately one week from now I will open it to beta testing for anyone who wants to check it out. If no major problems are found I fully expect it to be released into the wild SOON (TM). The Geekary:
  • A built from scratch Geeklog specific Gallery
  • Handles 18 MIME types including common image formats, flash, and zips. Configurable on the Geekary or Geekegory level
  • Fully GL security conscious. Allow or reject Anonymous viewers.
  • Includes code for a Random Geekage block
  • Automatic thumbnail creation using GD libraries included with most (hopefully) PHP implementations. Handles JPEG and PNG with no problem, GIF depending on your version of GD. Other integrations to come in next release
  • Geekards
  • and a few other features, making this the most ambitious 'hello world' script ever.
  • mmmm bliss.


Great! Waiting... waiting... see me hop on my chair? :-)


Sounds great. Keep up the good work Smile


Sounds awesome. Will it support galleries for individual users? I am looking for something which will allow individual users to have galleries that are displayed in their user profiles (integrated with existing GL security model of course).


On individual Galleries, yes. You can create a Geekegory and assign the owner of it to a specific user. Then you set the permissions of the Group (that can also be set per Geekegory), Members, and Anonymous to Read/View, or none depending on who you want to see it. Having the Geekages show up on the user page is something thats on my list. I would prefer not to have to hack the core files so this release might not include that functionality. Note to the GL-DEVS: Include a function call on the user page to check for the existence of plugin_userpage_{pluginname} and run that code? Sounds good to me.


Sounds great. One week away huh? Hopefully, my users can wait that long.

All times are EST. The time is now 11:56 am.

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