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Geekary will not create thumbnails... help?

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Registered: 12/20/02
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Location:Boulder, CO
Hi All, Thanks, Nuke, for the rant about asking for help, politely. This happens a lot in the customer service profession too, where people just don't understand that the person who is taking their call and handling all of their frustration is usually NOT the same person who gets to make the decisions, and gets paid so little that it would really make sense to be polite to them. But not to digress...I've been trying to get the geekary to work for about three days now, and everything seems fine except for the fact that it won't generate thumbnails. I'll tell you what I've done and if someone can see what I'm missing or give me something else to try, that would be great.When I first installed the geekary, the install script did not report any errors but when I checked the filesystem page, there were two missing files (index.htm) in the geekages and thumbs directories and two orphaned files (Thumbs.db) in the same directories. Figuring this was the problem I tried changing permissions on these dirs and uninstalled and re-installed geekary. After going through this process several times and finally setting everything having to do with geekary to 777, I still get these errors when I install the plugin.I also didn't have GD installed at first; I upgraded to php 4.3.0 to take advantage of the built-in GD library. (used --with-gd on configure and also installed zlib, using --with-zlib-dir=[my zlib dir]) I also installed ImageMagick today to try and use it instead, but thumbs still do not get generated when I upload an image. I've set the path to mogrify in config.php and told it to use imagemagick there also, set imagemagick as the default library in the admin screen for the geekary, and I have it set to generate PNG's. Still I just get the slide projector for a thumbnail every time I upload an image.I'm running apache2.0 on linux and just upgraded to gl1.3.7sr1, if that information is helpful.Any ideas?Thanks,Chris

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Registered: 06/30/02
Posts: 31
Not that it's the cause of your problems but you don't appear to have heeded the warning that support for php, even 4.3.0, is experimental under Apache-2. The PHP Group don't support this configuration and you are warned that unexpected things may happen. Regards, Neil Darlow M.Sc.

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Registered: 02/22/02
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Hmmm...my previous posts will attest to the fact that I'm no expert, but that may be a saving grace here...I've made most of the mistakes before other people will Smile Here are the things that stand out, to me, from your post (as things you might want to look at): 1) I don't think the main config.php settings impact the thumbnailer selection with geekary. It's all about the settings in the table prefix_geekary (gl_geekary by default), which gets set up during install. 2) I have had the most luck with ImageMagick. After you installed ImageMagick, did you re-configure/re-install geekary? 3) When entering the "path to mogrify", it's not the full path. (e.g., use '/usr/local/bin/' instead of '/usr/local/bin/mogrify/') If you've got mad SQL skills or a tool like phpmyadmin, check out the table described above and see if that fixes stuff. Hope I've helped more than I've confused, -David

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I am also having this problem. I am able to use imagemagick with 4images, but not with Geekary. I also ended up with the two orphaned index.htm files as well as the two thums.db files when I installed. Has anybody seen this problem and then fixed it?

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