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Forum 2.0 Release!

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Registered: 09/04/02
Posts: 43
Alright guys,

Blaine and I just finished putting the finishing touches on the forum project and have deemed it ready for release. I know a lot of you have been waiting for a while for this, so I won?t take too much time explaining it. Here is just a list of some of the newest features for v2.0:
  • Custom themes!
  • User tracking.
  • Improved notification.
  • More ways to view topics.
  • More moderator functions.
  • Easy upgrade from v1.0
These are just a few out of a whole bunch of new features. More details can be found in the install document included in the archive. The install document also includes instructions for upgrading from v1.0 as well as instructions for a new install, tips creating custom themes, and contact info for any help needed. If you want to see v2.0 of the forum before you download, check out: Country Web and/or Blaine's Site.

Ok, for the download. You can get it from here. Just unzip the archive, open the install document and follow the directions.

We would like to thank everyone who assisted in helping us throughout the creation of this project, especially Simon Lord (aka knuckles) who provided the custom theme to go along with this release.

Also, there will be a need for new forum themes to be created for existing Geeklog themes and we encourage users to upload those themes on the main geeklog site or make them generally available.

So there you go guys. We hope you like it!

Matthew & Blaine

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Wow, this is great. I look forward to moving a site from phpbb2 (I do not need to move past posts). Now that this is released, is there any way that you would break out the extended memberlist into it's own plugin? It would be great if it were also simple to add a couple of fields or hide unwanted fields (like pgp key) for those of us that do not need that.

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For those that want a visual view of the db.
Forum DB design


Sounds like a good project for you to do.

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I would also like to play in the NBA, but since I do not have the skills for that either, I watch the games and cheer.

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alinford, Sorry, but I won't be able to do that plugin. If someone else can, then by all means, please do. I am getting very busy and don't have huge amounts of time to work on such things at the moment. Good idea though alinford. Matthew

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Registered: 07/16/02
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Don't quite know how but a function called "statusMessage" is missing in the gf_functions.php under the admin directory.

So until we get the archives that have been distributed updated. You can get the single replacement file here


Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


Hmm, I'm getting: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare statusmessage() (previously declared in /home/username/www/admin/plugins/forum/gf_functions.php:79) in /home/ysername/www/forum/include/gf_format.php on line 245 when I try to access the "Board Admin".

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Please download again - the archive was updated within the past hour. In my haste to correct the first report of this problem - it was not tested in all functions.

You will need to replace all files to be save including:

  1. plugins/forum/functions.inc
  2. files under public_html/forum
  3. files under admin/plugins/forum

I hope I got this issue resolved now.


Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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Registered: 02/03/03
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Hi Blaine, You might want to check the SQL insert functions as well, it seem as though single quotes might not be escaped properly and cause an error.


The upgrade didnt work so i manully exported the categories / forums and data. Everything seems to be working very well with administrative functions. Users who are NOT logged in can also view the forum. The problem comes when users who ARE logged in try to access the forum. I get THIS error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid='4'' at line 1 A noted fix : (I had to remove a simicolon on line 162 of user settings to allow profiles to work properly - thats the fix for that) http://www.tdoglovin.lunarpages.com/forum/ any advice (should work unless u are logged in)

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I don't understand - you did not note the program you changed. What problems did you have upgrading - it was tested several times on several sites without issue. Blaine
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


ok.. my bad Problem 1) any users who are logged into my site get the following error whent hey try to view the forums: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid='4'' at line 1 I can access all of the admin functions though. Problem 2) I was getting a pharse error from line 162 of the usersettings.php. I notced that line 165 had a semicolon that should not be there...erased it, and the error went away. I got that error when trying to open the moderator box in admin. The most important error to me is the error I get in problem 1


I also get the error when I click on "messages" from within the settings.php file.

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There is no usersettings.php file in the forum. Blaine
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


there is an updated one for geeklog 1.3.6 users Im sorry for not being clear. I updated those files....and the pharse error exists in the file provided (line 156 ----- The most important error is the: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid='4'' at line 1 The error is displayed whenever a logged in user tried to view the index, messages, or gf_prefs files. The erros shows up and nothing else. http://www.tdoglovin.lunarpages.com/forum/index.php

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Anyone else experiencing this issue? Blaine
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


I just uninstalled the forum (made sure all forum tables were gone) and I installed it from scratch. No luck Frown


Woo-hoo! Yeah!!

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Testing on XP, Apache and I have now problems. Great work. Dwight

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