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List of RDFs?

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Registered: 04/26/02
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I have finally set up my own Geeklog-powered site, and am looking for more RDF-powered blocks to add. I've already gotten Slashdot and Kuro5hin imported (though the Kuro5hin block doesn't seem to work), but I can't find a good listing of other RDF blocks. I know the format has gone by the wayside in recent months, but I was hoping to add, say, a decent newsfeed or sports news or something. Anyone know of any?

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I'm actually in the process of creating a PHP news block that can switch between RDF/RSS news feeds. It will have the same features as the ABC news block I created some time back. If anyone has a good list of RDF/RSS feeds, I'll incorporate them into my block. Once the block is complete, I'll post the details on GL. Thanks, Squatty
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if its personl/nonprofit you can use hundreds of feeds from moreover (moreover.com)...they have them available in rss format and I havent had trouble with them.

ive never tried k5's, but newsforge/newsvac doesnt seem to work either...


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Registered: 04/26/02
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Slashdot's worked once or twice, but as soon as I started trying to mess around with the blocks, it stopped working. As for Moreover, I've been there, but I don't see any RSS/RDF links. What am I missing?


the link for it is at the bottom of their main page the link follows: http://w.moreover.com/webmaster/index.html from there you click on XML Integrationon the right list at the top, link follows: http://w.moreover.com/dev/xml/ A list of all the feeds availabe is here: http://w.moreover.com/categories/category_list_xml.html For an idea of what will the feed will show, http://w.moreover.com/categories/category_list.html will show the last few stories on the feed, just click on the one you want to view Replace the end of the wanted feed from "...=xml" to "...=rss" when adding the block in geeklog, be sure that log type is set to 'portal' and put the url of the feed you want it RDF URL: field under portal block options. you will probably need to refresh your main page from your browser after it is added for it to appear; after waiting a few seconds for it to recieve the data


I have tried getting this to work but only get: GeekLog can not reach the supplied RDF file at 2002-09-27 01:49:40. Please double check the URL provided. Make sure your url is correctly entered and it begins with http://. GeekLog will try in one hour to fetch the file again. Is the service still open and public? By the way, does the lates version of GL support xml for this? morten@taksrud.net

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