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Template Error during Install/success.php

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Registered: 07/05/03
Posts: 2
Hi all, A quick question, I have seemingly installed 1.3.7sr2 correctly, however when success.php comes up (or even when loading index.php), I get the following error: Template Error: set_root: /var/www/geeklog-1.3.7sr2//var/www/html/layout/XSilver/ is not a directory. Halted. All the paths in config.php look right. Where else can I look for this? With thanks, Simon.


At least one of your paths is off. See how the one you posted has /var/www/ twice plus it has two slashes in front of the second var.

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Registered: 07/05/03
Posts: 2
Thankyou Roger! After looking at how the path_html variable was made up, it seems like a very silly mistake!


I have this same error, but I don't know the path to my geeklog directory. I have been guessing it is /www/, because in the ftp directory there is a link to "www", and when i follow it, it is the public_html directory. Anyway, one directory above that there are folders for "etc", "temp", et al. so I think I have the directory right but every guess I try, geeklog says that "the_guess/layout/professional/ is not a directory. What am I doing wrong? Of course, the default setting gave this error too, otherwise I wouldn't be wading in this far over my head.

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Create a new php file in the same location as your public_html/index.php called fubar.php:

Once you get the answer. Delete fubar.php immediately (as it is a security risk).

Why couldn't you get this information from your hosting provider?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by esprittordu: I have this same error, but I don't know the path to my geeklog directory.

Call up the install script. See the "hint" at the bottom of the first page. You should be able to derive your actual path from that information.

bye, Dirk

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