Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 30 2024 @ 11:22 am EST

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I\'m having troublez figuring out what the hell a .tar.gz file is... I unzipped my geeklog package, but everythings cluttered up... Like in most downloads, it shows which directories goes where and stuff... How the hell do I work this? All support attempts are required.... Thanks in advance. Arrow


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Registered: 02/01/03
Posts: 32
You may be having the problem I had when the extension on the file was .tar.gz.tar. Just remove the last .tar from the filename and winzip handled the file correctly.


Thanks for your replies guy, I sorted this problem, but now I have another... I\'m new to all this FTP stuff and I\'m having a real hard time installing my Geeklog... I uploaded everything but I don\'t understand the part about pathing to the cnfig.php file andconfiguring all my paths and stuff... It\'s so hard, lol... Can anyone enlighten me or install it for me? Oops!

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Registered: 01/11/03
Posts: 43
read the install.htm file here or where you extracted the files. It should explain more about paths and configuring things. To help you some more, can you give certain details on how you are setting up your geeklog? Like, are you using a shared hosting service (if yes, the path goes something like this /usr/www/htdocs/yourusername/ ) or hosting it yourself? Are you using a windows-based ftp program (I use smartftp) or doing everything in the command line? For your paths, try the Geeklog Path Configurator here. Open up your config.php and go ahead and read it. It should mention what stuff you need to edit and give you help on what to do. Again, share a little bit more of your setup so we can help you out more Big Grin


Okay, well... I\'m using a hosting service, and WS_FTP.. Well, I followed those instructions to the best of my ability, but I still had troubles, for example, I put my files in the Public_HTML directory inside a sub directory called \'geeklog\'. Then, all the other files and direcs it said to place \'outside\' the pub direc, I placed, outside of it, in another directory, called \'geeklog\' again.... Is that where I\'ve gone wrong?

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Registered: 01/11/03
Posts: 43
Alrighty. First off, if you want geeklog to be your main site (i.e. when you go to your site e.g. slimeball.com, you go straight to slimeball.com/index.php), you\'ll need to extract your files and upload them like this (you might want to remove the stuff you\'ve uploaded and start over): - Extract the geeklog tar.gz to your computer. - Connect to your ftp, and look at the directories there. - Most likely you\'ll see the tree as home (or usr)>username then a bunch of subdirectories under it like ftp, mail and www (all this depends on your hosting service of course). The www (or htdocs) folder is where your main website stuff (that people will see) will be at (like your index.htm/php). The www or htdocs folder is where the public_html stuff usually goes to (if you want slimeball.com/index.php to be your GL site). - Copy the files and folders you extracted to your home>username folder. - If you did this correctly, instead of just having ftp, mail, and www under your directory, you\'ll have the geeklog system folders there as well (system, sql, public_html, etc, include ....... ) These are stuff you don\'t want outsiders to see and which won\'t be available to link to. - remember your www (or htdocs) folder? Now copy the stuff from the home>username>public_html folder to the www folder. You can delete the now empty public_html folder. Your files should all be now in the right place. If you want your geeklog site to go to slimeball.com/geeklog/index.php then you\'d need to rename public_html to geeklog and you\'d need to copy the files you extracted to home>username>www . You\'ll need to rename the public_html folder to geeklog (or whatever you want) Hope this is all clear. Now that everything is in the right place, open up your config.php (which should be in home>username (or just above your www directory) and fill in the blanks and change the settings you want. The stuff you\'d need to fill in are (dont forget the apostrophes and the semicolon after each one): - DB_user : put in the username of your database. Most likely your username for your site e.g. slimeball - DB_pass : your database password. You can specify this when you create your database - CONF[\'path\'] : the path to your config.php. Assuming everything\'s in the right place, it\'s /home/username/ - CONF[\'path_html\'] : Move the 2 slashes in the first path line to the second path line. You should have $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = \'/home/username/www\'; - CONF[\'site_url\'] : http://www.slimeball.com and the others you\'ll need to fill in are the CONF site_name, site_slogan, and site_mail. Those are the basics. Also, don\'t forget to create your mysql database. Go to your host\'s file or hosting manager and create a database with geeklogdb as the name. Then you should be all set. Again, read through the install.htm (which should be in the docs folder of the tar.gz file) many times and go through it step by step. User the path configurator in my previous post to see if your paths are right. Go to http://slimeball.com/admin/install/check.php to see if you remembered to change file permissions on folders. Finally go to http://slimeball.com/admin/install/install.php to start the online part of the installation. Hopefully this should help you some Surprised!

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