Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, September 19 2024 @ 11:42 pm EDT

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Website slow..really slow.


Hello, I\'ve found lately that my website has been slow. Really slow, to the point where sometimes it\'ll start to load, then give me the \"Website didnt respond\" error/timeout. Sometimes it\'ll load my header, and the left navigation bar...but thats all. My page creation time when I get on though, is usually 2-3 seconds max, so I\'m not sure what the problem could be. I\'m guessing that its because we\'ve gained a lot of users recently, and also installed the forum plugin which is geting a lot of use. Could this be the cause?


Also, the slowdown seems to be mostly when I go to the main page, or to a topic indext. Rest of the site is fine.


Maybe you have a stocks plugin installed or weather or something like that. I have discovered that sometimes the feeds for these excellent plugins (genuflecting before their authors) are not always operational and will cause a site to crash or slow WAAAAAY down. Seems there ought to be a way to gracefully timeout access attempts to these services.


Only plugins I have are: - Forum plugin(disabled last ten posts from main page and that didnt stop it) - Whats New - Statistics(where people came from, who logged on today).

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Scott:Statistics(where people came from, who logged on today).
Try disabling that. I think I saw some comments that it can really slow things down ... bye, Dirk


Yes you\'re right Dirk that was the big slowdown! I disabled it, and removed the block from the front page and it worked fine. Thanks alot Dirk. Much appreciated. Sucks that it causes such a slowdown too. It was a great plugin.


I\'ve now found out a good way to use the stats plugin...you can enable it..just do NOT have the block on the side of your page, otherwise that will cause the major slowdown. Now, every page runs fast for me except the stats page Big Grin

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