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Adding and deleting links from BLOCKS!!!
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Hello again,
I have been able to use the Admin Block to create new and change the names of old blocks. I also tried to change my menu items, and by that, I mean something like Download under the Resources Block in Geeklog\'s homepage.
According to the instruction on \"How do I change the menu\", the answer is in the variable {menu_elements} or {plg_menu_elements} in the header.thtml.
For me, I see plg_menu_elements in my smooth_blue. The confusion is do I edit the header.thtml, or do I use the Admin Block? If it is the admin block, I do not know how. If it is the header.thtml, I am lost...
Can you explain to me how the download link was created in Resources... I think if I can understand just that, my problem would be solved for some time...Or how the Sections which I think should have been the default TOPICS Block got more menu items in it.
I somehow may be naive into thinking that there is absolutely no coding involved...I am really sorry, but please take me as the problem child....
Very grateful for all your help...
I'M not sure, but I imagine that the Resources block is a simple HTML block. From your blocks menu, click New Block, then enter your title (eg Menu) and then set type to "Normal Block".
Then, in the normal block options text field, enter your HTML code. This is what I have in my menu block:
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I believe this has already been covered multiple times....blocks are explained here.
-- Heather Engineering
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-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small
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Quote by euan: I\'M not sure, but I imagine that the Resources block is a simple HTML block. From your blocks menu, click New Block, then enter your title (eg Menu) and then set type to \"Normal Block\".
That would be correct.
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