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Can a Plugin do this?

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Registered: 06/28/03
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Hello again good people, I am wondering if Geeklog can do the following: I am trying to add a form that users can fill out, for example a loan application form. That means that when the user logs in, they can navigate to the form, fill it out, and submit it to the site. Is this something that a plugin can do, if so which plugin would I want to use to accomplish this? Thank you all in advance, Ola

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Posts: 507
You can do this within a static page.

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Thanks Dtrumbower, Is it as simple as me copying and pasting the form (A Word Document) on a static page or does this involve some coding on my part? Thanks Ola

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I might of been a bit confused. I thought you were talking about a HTML form. If you are talking about a word document form, that would be totally different. The only online document forms that I have used have been ADOBE PDF forms. I\'m unaware of any software that allows you to create an HTML form directly from a word document. But the Internet is big, so there might be a solution.

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Thanks again, Does that mean I can copy a PDF file (application Form) to the static page and use it as a form? I am still playing with the idea, and I have not created the form yet. I just want to know if html coding will be required if I am putting such a form in my site.... I do not code, so I am trying to find a solution that will not require such expertise... So pardon me, if I sound ridiculous... I have not used my Static Page yet either, so can I just copy the form on it and save it as a static page (Form)? Thanks again Ola

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Haven\'t played with PDF and geeklog. Static pages will accept any html coding. You could try creating the form in Word and save as html. Copy the section of code between and and paste it. Heck it might even work. Unchartered territority for me.

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