Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 03:28 am EST

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I keep getting this whe trying to upgrade to 1.3.8


Warning: main(home/proek/public_html/melissa/system/databases/mysql.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/proek/public_html/melissa/system/lib-database.php on line 110 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required \'home/proek/public_html/melissa/system/databases/mysql.class.php\' (include_path=\'.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php\') in /home/proek/public_html/melissa/system/lib-database.php on line 110

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany


I believe i put all the right paths maybe I missed something.Can u check what I did wrong?


/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Geeklog 1.3 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | config.php |
// | Geeklog configuration file. |
// | |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2001 by the following authors: |
// | |
// | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony@tonybibbs.com |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
// | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | GNU General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. |
// | |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | See the docs/install.html and docs/config.html files for more information |
// | on configuration |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: config.php,v 2003/05/26 12:51:58 dhaun Exp $

// To get Geeklog up and running, you need to make sure the settings in the
// following sections are correct:
// You can adjust the other settings once your site is up and running.

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | These settings tell Geeklog about your database and how to connect to it. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_dbms = 'mysql'; // Do not change (currently, only MySQL is supported)
$_DB_host = 'localhost';
$_DB_name = 'proek_melissa'; // Yes, your DB must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'proek_melissamad';
$_DB_pass = 'password';
$_DB_table_prefix = 'melissa_'; // e.g. 'gl_'

// optional settings for making database backups from within Geeklog
$_DB_mysqldump_path = '/usr/bin/mysqldump'; // path to mysqldump binary e.g. /usr/bin/mysqldump
$_CONF['allow_mysqldump'] = 1; // 1 = on, 0 = off

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | All paths must have a trailing slash ('/'Wink. If you're on Windows, they |
// | must also start with a drive letter (e.g. 'C:/'Wink. |
// | The 'path' value signifies where the config.php (this file) resides |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/proek/public_html/melissa/'; //

// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory like this (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']):
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/proek/public_html/melissa/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/home/proek/public_html/melissa/';

// you shouldn't need to edit the following
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['rdf_file'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'backend/geeklog.rdf';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | These settings help define your Geeklog site. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// make sure this is the correct URL to your site (no trailing slash)
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://melissa.stevenakaproek.com';

$_CONF['site_name'] = 'Melissa';
$_CONF['site_slogan'] = 'Madrigal';
$_CONF['site_mail'] = 'melissamadrigal@comcast.net';
$_CONF['theme'] = 'Yahoo'; // default theme

// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/admin';

// you shouldn't need to edit the following
$_CONF['layout_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/layout/' . $_CONF['theme'];
$_CONF['path_themes'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'layout/';
$_CONF['path_layout'] = $_CONF['path_themes'] . $_CONF['theme'] .'/';

// optional settings
$_CONF['allow_user_themes'] = 1;
$_CONF['allow_user_language'] = 1;
$_CONF['allow_user_photo'] = 1; // 1 = on, 0 = off...flag that allows users to upload self-photo

// ****************************************************************************
// * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn't need to change *
// * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.*
// ****************************************************************************

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['language'] = 'english';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'en-gb';
$_CONF['date'] = '%A, %B %d %Y @ %I:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%m/%d %I:%M%p';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly'] = '%d-%b';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%I:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | To disable your Geeklog site quickly, simply set this flag to false |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['site_enabled'] = true; // true or false

// Message shown when site is down
// When this starts with 'http:' visitors are redirected to that URL
$_CONF['site_disabled_msg'] = 'Geeklog Site is down. Please come back soon.';

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | cookie_ip will store md5(remoteip + randomnum) as the session ID in the |
// | cookie. This is more secure but will more than likely require dialed up |
// | users to login each and every time. If ipbasedsessid is turned off |
// | (which it is by default) it will just store a random number as the |
// | session ID in the cookie. |
// | |
// | default_perm_cookie_timeout is how long you want the permanent cookie |
// | to persist for. This can be overridden by the user in their user prefs |
// | if they want. If you don't want to allow permanent cookies set the |
// | value to an empty string ''. |
// | |
// | session_cookie_time is how long you want the session cookie to persist |
// | for. Only really useful in scenarios where you don't want to allow |
// | permanent cookies |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

$_CONF['cookie_session'] = 'gl_session';
$_CONF['cookie_name'] = 'geeklog';
$_CONF['cookie_password'] = 'password';
$_CONF['cookie_theme'] = 'theme';
$_CONF['cookie_language'] = 'language';
$_CONF['cookie_lastvisit'] = 'LastVisit';
$_CONF['cookie_lastvisittemp'] = 'LastVisitTemp';

$_CONF['cookie_ip'] = 0;
$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout'] = 604800;
$_CONF['session_cookie_timeout'] = 7200;
$_CONF['cookie_path'] = '/';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '';
$_CONF['cookiesecure'] = 0;

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This is really redundant but I am including this as a reminder that those |
// | people writing Geeklog Plug-ins that are OS dependent should check either |
// | the $_CONF variable below or PHP_OS directly. If you are writing an |
// | addon that is OS specific your addon should check the system is using the |
// | right OS. If not, be sure to show a friendly message that says their GL |
// | distro isn't running the right OS. Do not modify this value |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

$_CONF['ostype'] = PHP_OS;

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | These are other various Geeklog settings. The defaults should work OK |
// | for most situations. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// this lets you select which functions are available for registered users only
$_CONF['loginrequired'] = 0; // all of them, if set to 1 will override all else
$_CONF['submitloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['linksloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['pollsloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['calendarloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['statsloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['searchloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['profileloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['emailuserloginrequired'] = 0;
$_CONF['emailstoryloginrequired'] = 0;

// Submission Settings

// enable (set to 1) or disable (set to 0) submission queues:
$_CONF['storysubmission'] = 1;
$_CONF['linksubmission'] = 1;
$_CONF['eventsubmission'] = 1;
$_CONF['usersubmission'] = 0;

// Send an email notification when a new submission has been made. The contents
// of the array can be any combination of 'story', 'link', 'event', and 'user'.
// Example: $_CONF['notification'] = array ('story', 'link', 'event'Wink;
// The email will be sent to $_CONF['site_mail'] (see above).
$_CONF['notification'] = array ();

$_CONF['postmode'] = 'plaintext'; // can be 'plaintext' or 'html'
$_CONF['speedlimit'] = 45; // in seconds
$_CONF['skip_preview'] = 0; // If = 1, allow user to submit comments and stories without previewing

// Topic Settings

// Topics can be assigned a sort number so that you can control what order they
// appear in the 'Sections' block on the homepage. If you prefer you can also
// have this sort alphabetically by changing the value to 'alpha' (default is
// by 'sortnum'

$_CONF['sortmethod'] = 'sortnum'; // or 'alpha'

// Show the number of stories in a topic in Section Block
$_CONF['showstorycount'] = 1;

// Show the number of story submissions for a topic in Section Block
$_CONF['showsubmissioncount'] = 1;

// Show blocks for empty search results
$_CONF['showemptysearchresults'] = 0;

// How long an anonymous (guest) user session is good for
$_CONF['whosonline_threshold'] = 300; // in seconds

// "Daily Digest" settings

// Let users get stories emailed to them
// Requires cron and the use of php as a shell script
$_CONF['emailstories'] = 0;

// Specify length of stories in those emails:
// 0 = send only title + link, 1 = send entire introtext,
// any other number = max. number of characters per story
$_CONF['emailstorieslength'] = 1;

// New users get stories emailed to them per default (= 1) or not (= 0)
$_CONF['emailstoriesperdefault'] = 0;

// When user submission is activated, allow users from these domains to
// register without having to go through the submission queue.
$_CONF['allow_domains'] = ''; // e.g. 'mycompany.com,myothercompany.com'

// Following times are in seconds
$_CONF['newstoriesinterval'] = 86400;
$_CONF['newcommentsinterval'] = 172800;
$_CONF['newlinksinterval'] = 1209600;

// Set to 1 to hide a section from the What's New block:
$_CONF['hidenewstories'] = 0;
$_CONF['hidenewcomments'] = 0;
$_CONF['hidenewlinks'] = 0;

// Calendar Settings
$_CONF['personalcalendars'] = 1;
$_CONF['showupcomingevents'] = 1;
$_CONF['upcomingeventsrange'] = 14; // days
$_CONF['event_types'] = 'Anniversary,Appointment,Birthday,Business,Education,Holiday,Meeting,Miscellaneous,Personal,Phone Call,Special Occasion,Travel,Vacation';

// Story Settings
$_CONF['maximagesperarticle'] = 5;
$_CONF['backend'] = 1;
$_CONF['limitnews'] = 10;
$_CONF['minnews'] = 1; // minimum number of stories per page
$_CONF['contributedbyline'] = 1; // If 1, show contributed by line
$_CONF['article_image_align'] = 'right'; // Options are left or right.
$_CONF['hideemailicon'] = 0; // If 1, hide "email story" option
$_CONF['hideprintericon'] = 0; // If 1, hide "printer friendly" option

// When set to 1, this will render the first story on any page using the
// templates for featured stories - even if that story is not featured.
$_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] = 0;

// Uncomment the following line to set the copyright year in the site's footer
// to a specific year. Otherwise, the current year will be used.
// $_CONF['copyrightyear'] = 2003;

// Optional Image Settings

// If you set $_CONF['image_lib'] below, you must supply a path for the library
// you will use. Setting this also assumes that if a photo is uploaded that is
// too big either by the image sizes below or by overriding them using the
// upload object then the library you choose will attempt to resize the image.
// Leaving this value empty disables this feature
$_CONF['image_lib'] = ''; // can be netpbm, imagemagick

// If you set image_lib to imagemagick give this path otherwise comment it out
// NOTE: you will need a fairly recent version of ImageMagick for this to work.
// ImageMagick version 5.4.9 (or newer) is recommended.
//$_CONF['path_to_mogrify'] = '/path/to/mogrify';

// If you set image_lib to netpbm give the path to the netpbm directory, you
// need the trailing slash here.
// NOTE: if you use NETPBM, use the latest package from the Gallery package for
// your operating system found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/gallery in
// the download section. You need to take the netpbm tarball from them and
// uncompress the file which will create a netpbm directory. If you plan to
// only use netpbm with Geeklog, put that entire folder in /path/to/geeklog and
// adjust the path below. The only programs you need from netpbm are giftopnm,
// jpegtopnm, pngtopnm, ppmtogif, ppmtojpeg, pnmtopng and pnmscale
//$_CONF['path_to_netpbm'] = '/path/to/netpbm/';

// Story image settings
$_CONF['max_image_width'] = 3000; // In pixels
$_CONF['max_image_height'] = 3000; // In pixels
$_CONF['max_image_size'] = 1048576; // 1048576 = 1MB

// User photo settings
$_CONF['max_photo_width'] = 196; // In pixels
$_CONF['max_photo_height'] = 196; // In pixels
$_CONF['max_photo_size'] = 65536; // 65536 = 64KB

// Comment Settings
$_CONF['commentspeedlimit'] = 45;
$_CONF['comment_limit'] = 100; // Default Number of Comments under Story
$_CONF['comment_mode'] = 'threaded'; // Default Comment Mode; from 'threaded','nested','nocomments',and 'flat'
// Allow / disallow comments to stories by default (can be changed individually for every story)
$_CONF['comment_code'] = 0; // 0 = comments enabled, -1 = disabled

// Poll Settings
$_CONF['maxanswers'] = 10;
// 'submitorder' is order answers are saved in admin/poll.php
// 'voteorder' will list answers in order of number of votes (highest->lowest);
$_CONF['answerorder'] = 'submitorder';
$_CONF['pollcookietime'] = 86400;
$_CONF['polladdresstime'] = 604800;

// Links Settings
// You can set both of the following to 0 to get back the old (pre-1.3.6)
// style of the links section. Setting only linkcols to 0 will hide the
// categories but keep the paging. Setting only linksperpage to 0 will list
// all the links of the selected category on one page.
$_CONF['linkcols'] = 3; // categories per column
$_CONF['linksperpage'] = 10; // links per page

// Parameters for checking words and HTML tags

// *** Warning: Adding the following tags to the list of allowable HTML can
// *** make your site vulnerable to scripting attacks!
// *** Use with care: <img> <span> <marquee> <script> <embed> <object> <iframe>
$_CONF['allowablehtml'] = '<p>,<b>,<i>,<a>,<em>,<br>,<tt>,<hr>,<li>,<ol>,<ul>,<code>,<pre>';
$_CONF['adminhtml'] = $_CONF['allowablehtml'] . ', <div>,<table>,<tr>,<td>,<th>';

$_CONF['censormode'] = 1;
$_CONF['censorreplace'] = '*censored*';
$_CONF['censorlist'] = array('*censored*','*censored*','*censored*er','*censored*ing','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*','*censored*ing','mother*censored*er'Wink;

// Experimental, only works with staticpages right now. This feature is known
// to have issues that are unresolvable with systems running IIS. Have not
// tested on windows with apache yet. This feature when fully implemented,
// will make your site crawler friendly. Problems with IIS are known PHP CGI
// bug.

$_CONF['url_rewrite'] = false; // false = off, true = on

// Define a few useful things for GL
if (!defined ('LB'Wink) {
if (!defined ('VERSION'Wink) {
define('VERSION', '1.3.7sr2'Wink;

$_STATES = array(
'DC'=>'District of Columbia',
'NH'=>'New Hampshire',
'NJ'=>'New Jersey',
'NM'=>'New Mexico',
'NY'=>'New York',
'NC'=>'North Carolina',
'ND'=>'North Dakota',
'RI'=>'Rhode Island',
'SC'=>'South Carolina',
'SD'=>'South Dakota',
'WV'=>'West Virginia',


Status: offline


Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 02/17/03
Posts: 236
This path here is wrong: $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = $_CONF[\'path\'] . \'/home/proek/public_html/melissa/\'; I can\'t tell where you put your public files to even make a suggestion what it should be. What it currently says is, your public files are located in /home/proek/public_html/melissa//home/proek/public_html/melissa/ See the duplicate path entries...it\'s way off. This one here should point to where config.php is located: $_CONF[\'path\'] = \'/home/proek/public_html/melissa/\'; If that one is really under /melissa then where did you put the files from the public_html directory?


I moved them all to melissa/

Status: offline


Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 02/17/03
Posts: 236
Oh, okay. Well, if the files inside public_html are still in a directory named /public_html on your server located under /melissa then your path should probably look like this: $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = $_CONF[\'path\'] . \'public_html/\'; If they are not inside a directory named /public_html anymore but located right below melissa then it would look like this: $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = $_CONF[\'path\']; Not sure how subdomains are set up on your system. If Geeklog\'s index.php is sitting one directory below /melissa in a directory called /public_html, then your site\'s url may be off and need to be changed to: $_CONF[\'site_url\'] = \'http://melissa.stevenakaproek.com/public_html\'; If it\'s the second scenario instead, then the url should be okay.

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