Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, November 30 2024 @ 07:52 pm EST

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Misalignment of titles

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Registered: 08/11/03
Posts: 14
Hello all, You have certainly noticed that block titles aren\'t aligned equally. Some are left aligned, others appear to be centered. If you go to my blog (www.guyverville.com/promenades), you\'ll see that \"Topics\" and \"Events\" aren\'t aligned as others titles and that a grey space occupies what is, in fact, a cell. The code responsible for the difference in alignment seems to be \"{block_help}\" for certain blocks. I have succeed to remove the \"help\" cell on blocks where you see the titles go full width of the blocks (they were part of the blockheader-right.thtml, and blockheader-left.thtml file. However, Topics and the like are other beasts and I haven\'t find yet where they reside. Are they hard coded? I don\'t need any block_help, or, if I can\'t remove them, I would like to be able to format them to appear really invisible. Any idea?


Guess again. It\'s because you changed the tag to center the topic. which is exactly what it is doing. The gray appears at the right end because you removed the \"{block_help}\" without adjusting the rest of the html to cover it.

Status: offline


Forum User
Registered: 08/11/03
Posts: 14
I'm not sure... the block resides in a table which is set to 100% There is one cell in the table... Look at the Geeklog site. Blocks aren't aligned correctly either. So, there is two place to change the codes...

This is the code of my block:

<td bgcolor="#d3d5da" background="{layout_url}/theme-images/black.gif"><img src="{layout_url}/theme-images/black.gif" width="100%" height="3" border="0"></td>
<td bgcolor="#d3d5da" background="{layout_url}/theme-images/black.gif"><img src="{layout_url}/theme-images/black.gif" width="100%" height="3" border="0"></td>
<td bgcolor="#000000" td align="center"><span class="title">{block_title}</span></td>
<td bgcolor="#d3d5da" background="{layout_url}/theme-images/black2.gif"><img src="{layout_url}/theme-images/black2.gif" width="100%" height="3" border="0"></td>
<td bgcolor="#d3d5da" background="{layout_url}/theme-images/black2.gif"><img src="{layout_url}/theme-images/black2.gif" width="100%" height="3" border="0"></td>

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