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Sports Management plugin for geeklog?


Hi. Is there anything like this for Geeklog? I\'m setting up a soccer league website using geeklog and was wondering if there\'s any solution like this available, to save some time from having to update html tables instead. If not a geeklog plugin, anyone know of other php solutions for this?


What sort of features are you looking for? Can\'t see an example site...


I\'ve found these non-geeklog php solutions I\'ve found so far: CCLeague Pro has a demo here. Tpl-design has tplLeagueStats and tplSoccerStats. In fact, I just came across this geekloged website that incorporates tplSoccerStats in one of the blocks. I would assume this phpwebsite-driven website is an example of the leaguesite module I mentioned before. There\'s also phpleague but it\'s in French. I\'m just beginning to learn php myself but I\'d love to see a geeklog plugin for something like this.


By the way, that last sentence in my last post wasn\'t supposed to be a link.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by Footy: By the way, that last sentence in my last post wasn\'t supposed to be a link.
... and if you registered with the site, you could have fixed that yourself, since you can then edit your own posts Wink bye, Dirk


That\'s what I get for being lazy. Thanks for fixing that, Dirk. Wink Anyway, I just found another sports-related module for phpwebsite: http://sourceforge.net/projects/scoreboard phpwsScoreboard is a phpWebSite 0.9.x module that allows a site admin to run a sports website and post scores for almost any type of sport. Works great for school/community sports websites. Interesting because I almost went with phpWebsite as my CMS before I decided on geeklog. phpwebsite had the advantage of being fully xhtml compliant and having more module support, like a fully integrated phpbb module and a shopping cart. I went with geeklog because of it has a more flexible static content integration and the ability to upload multiple pictures in a post. I\'m happy with my decision so far.

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I have a personal todo list for a site to run a league, like this. But not to keep track of current sport results.

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Registered: 08/16/03
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you can see an implementation of LeagueSite here. I\'ve developed a Baseball Statkeeper that you can demo here. i use it for my men\'s league team here, and since I plan on changing that site to Geeklog next season, I\'ll be developing either a hack or a plugin for the statkeeper.


Cool. Was the Bandits roster also done with LeagueSite? Would your Geeklog statkeeper plugin be adaptable for soccer as well?

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Registered: 08/18/03
Posts: 49
Is there anyone else that would be interested in a geeklog integration of a sports team/league/tournament management tool?

I would be interested in a tool to do something like what hometeamsonline.com does, which offers a free version like this

or at least a way to integrate a free php script tool like tplLeagueStats .

Anarchist Football Network - http://www.passionbomb.com/soccer
"If I can't play soccer, I want no part of your revolution."

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