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MSN6 tab

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Any way to make a msn6 tab for the news on my website who uses the latest GeekLog?

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What is an \"msn6 tab\"? In case this has anything to do with RSS feeds, please see the FAQ on Content syndication. bye, Dirk

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An msn 6 tab is a tab that you can add into msn messenger 6. All in all it\'s simply a page where you can find all your news after the other that is constantly dynamically updated. It would give something like: News1 News2 News3 News4 News5 News6 News7 News8 News9 News10 News14 News12 News13 News14 News15 Maybe with some image and pretty stuff, but thats about it. I\'ve taken a look to the .rdf files. It might be a good start but it isn\'t paste and go. And it seems it cannot be \" included \". Any idea? I\'d like to propose to my users to add my news in their msn. Here\'s some example: http://www.generation-nt.com/apps/msn/msn-news.htm http://www.cybernews-fr.net/msntab http://www.pcinpact.com/include/msn.php http://www.infos-du-net.com/msn.php http://www.neowin.net/tab/ Those are some tabs I personnally have in my own msn messenger.

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To me, it looks a bit like Microsoft re-invented RSS feeds ... Is there a specification for this somewhere? It may be easy to add this to the enhanced Content Syndication features that are currently under development (see CVS). bye, Dirk

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If you have access to a computer with msn6 installed you can take a look into: C:/Documents and Settings/you/Application Data/Microsoft/MSN Messenger/*lotsofnumber*/ConfigCache.Xml Be warned though that some folder are system and hidden. Insode this ConfigCache.Xml you\'ll find your tab. You can simply add one by adding: http://www.site.com/logo.png Title Title http://www.site.com/newsfed.html false If you take a look to the site at the end of my previous post you see that the newsfed for most of it is just simple html. Is this of any help?

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Text Formatted Code
Thats what suppose to be in my previous post Razz

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This is just something to play around with ... So as a very first, very rough approximation: What about creating a Static Page with this piece of PHP in it:
Text Formatted Code
$display = '<ul>';
$result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM gl_stories ORDER by date DESC LIMIT 10");
$num = DB_numRows($result);
for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    $display .= '<li><a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid'] . '">'
        . stripslashes($A['title']) . '</a></li>';
$display .= '</ul>';
return $display;
That would create a simple page with a list of links to the 10 latest stories (no permission checking, btw). You could link to that page from the tab. I don't have access to a PC so I have no idea how feasible this is. I would assume that space is somewhat limited in such a tab, so you may want to try setting the format for the static page to "Blank Page". bye, Dirk

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Indeed Dirk, With subtil modification this will be perfect. Thanks a lot.

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So how would you get your visitors to add the tab? I was investigating the Messenger alerts through MS and it\'s like $500 a month minimum. Are you looking for a way to avoid paying the fee or is this something entirely different. Mark

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I have no idea of what you are talking about when you say you\'ve read something about MSN alert, could you give me the URL microsoft site being so extensive I would need a lot of time to find it by myself. It doesn\'t get rid of any of the already there tab it add a new one. And to the question of how I\'ll get my visitors to add the tab I\'ll simply suggest them, and explain how to do it. And I\'ll ask for it to be added through: http://www.ontology.univ-savoie.fr/mtm/

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Any way to prevent the footer from showing up in the tab, or even better show a custom footer for the tab?

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So, is there a way Question

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I already suggested above to use the \"blank page\" setting for the static page. You could then add the header and footer in the PHP code. bye, Dirk

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I\'m really sorry Dirk, I wouldn\'t want to anoye you but from what I can see: http://saganews.gotdns.com:55555/staticpages/index.php?page=msntab Even with a Blank Page The Footer shows up and kinda of a header. I\'m quite sure it is set to be blank. So, what am I doing wrong?

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Found it: The use of $A in the code I posted overwrites the array of the same name that the static pages plugin uses internally. Change all occurrences of $A to $B and the footer should go away. bye, Dirk

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Indeed, That got rid of the footer. Thanks.

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