Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, September 19 2024 @ 06:10 pm EDT

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Geekary and Layout questions

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Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1
I really like Geeklog and I have everything setup the way I want except for two things: 1. When the site displays a large centered block (ie. admin pages, calendar, geekary, the ones that use \"blockheader.thtml\" and \"blockfooter.thtml\") I would like to keep both the right and left block columns (right now only the left blocks are visible) 2. In Geekary, I don\'t want regular users to be able to upload images, only admins and root. Is there any way to take away upload permissions for everyone except admins? That\'s it, thanks in advance for any info on either of these problems. Also, if there is a better place for me to post this question please let me know -Ornoc

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