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Problems with sudomains


Ok, i have a geeklog installed in a domain. I want to install another geeklog in a subdomain, not the same geeklog, a new one, but in a subdomain i.e. www.pattty.com --- here is my geeklog, i want to put a new one in here nanook.pattty.com the problem is my paths, i have a lot of problems. in my main domain, the paths are correct.. but in the subdomain aren\'t, this is the root of my paths of pattty.com // This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides. $_CONF[\'path\'] = \'/home/pattty/public_html/\'; // should end in a slash // You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html // directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the // directory (i.e. without the $_CONF[\'path\']) like this: // $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = \'/path/to/your/public_html/\'; $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = $_CONF[\'path\'] . \'public_html/\'; // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | (3) Site Settings | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog\'s // index.php file resides (no trailing slash). $_CONF[\'site_url\'] = \'http://www.pattty.com/public_html\'; from here, what would be the correct root for nanook.pattty.com???? help plz


I also have this errors. Parse error: parse error in /home/pattty/public_html/nanook/public_html/lib-common.php on line 4168 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: plg_showcenterblock() in /home/pattty/public_html/nanook/public_html/index.php on line 67 i check already my paths, and i don\'t know whats going on


pAtTtY, subdomains are actually just a subdirectory - of public_html. so: for the subdomain nanook use $_CONF[\'path\'] =\'/home/pattty/public_html/nanook/ and try $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = $_CONF[\'path\'] ; and $_CONF[\'site_url\'] = \'http://nanook.pattty.com/\'; hope this helps.


Nope. the same error: Parse error: parse error in /home/pattty/public_html/nanook/public_html/lib-common.php on line 4168 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: plg_showcenterblock() in /home/pattty/public_html/nanook/public_html/index.php on line 67

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Registered: 09/23/02
Posts: 67
Hi Patty - how are you accessing the subdomain? Did you set up an .htaccess file to redirect subdomains? Also, is your webroot patty or patty/public_html ? If patty is your webroot then I would set up distinct directories for each subdomain under patty ie. patty/nanook/ and patty/main/ . Each should have its own public_html directory containing all its own geeklog stuff. You can store both your config files in patty/ , with different names like confignanook.php and configmain.php , just make sure you point to them properly in their own lib-common.php files. If public_html is your webroot, then create the subdomain directories there and then each will have another public_html underneath them. It works both ways - I use 2 different ISPs that are set up with different roots and they both handle subdomains just fine. Cookies may give you issues, you will need to modify cookie domain in your config file as each subdomain requires unique cookies. Clear? Yikes !!! I know it can get confusing but it does work.

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Quote by pAtTtY: Parse error: parse error in /home/pattty/public_html/nanook/public_html/lib-common.php on line 4168
Your lib-common.php is corrupted. Please see the comments in the installation instructions about not using WinZip, Dreamweaver, et. al. You will need to start with a fresh copy of that file. bye, Dirk


Dirk, it all worked out! thanks dude.. the problem was that i was using DW, yikes, i know, i have to read the instructions \"very very well\" the next time. Thanks a lot to both of ya. pAtTtY

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