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Logo question

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Ok this may be a dumb question but... Why not put the logo in a location where all Themes can find it. Rather than having a logo for every theme, have 1 or a couple of logos in 1 location say, public_html/images? Then you don\'t have to hack the header to change the logo. Sure sometimes you will still have to do a little hacking but I think it would be worth while.

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I think each Theme needs its own logo because each one will have not only different size requirements but obviously different colour needs as well. The central logo idea would work for a single site with few themes but a community such as this one thrives on the differences people come up with and share. My two cents Smile

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Quote by ronack:Why not put the logo in a location where all Themes can find it.
There\'s a variable {site_logo} which resolves to http://yoursite/layout/currenttheme/images/logo.gif but hardly any theme uses it ... bye, Dirk

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Aha yeah that too .... LOL

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Three reasons I can think of. First, it is easier to zip it. It saves a step for the installers. I hate the way the plugins are packaged. You have move the files to certain directories every time you open a plugin package. Why don\'t they just package it so that when you unpack, you don\'t have to move files backward. Second, sometimes people might not have the image directory exactly at /public_html/images. In that case the layout would lose it\'s link to the logo. Three. Theme designing is the art part of the art and science of web development. Artists think differently than the programmers think. After creating a couple themes, you will feel the freedom of not having to put the files at certain places. My 2 cents! Sam


Why don\'t you create a plugin or modify an existing one where people don\'t have to move any files after unzipping as you suggest. This would provide a working example so people could see how the plugin would be modified under your scenario to look correctly across different themes.

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And how would you do that. Considering people setup of there servers different and are using ftp to upload the files anyways. Don\'t see the benefit.

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I am not making it a big deal about it. Geeklog has saved us thousands of hours to set up a dynamic web site, and these little moving arounds are insigificant.

I am just mentioning it to compare the already convenient layout directory. All you need is to put the theme there. Why complain about the little logo file being not where each of us want it to be.

So don\'t sweat the small stuff. But, if one day geeklog is to become an out-of-the-box application. These minor issues have to be dealt with because then we want to make sure it is user freindly to the least experienced.

Have a cool summer!



I really don\'t understand what you are suggesting and apparently am not the only one. First you say you don\'t want to move any files and now you say \"All you need is to put the theme there.\" If your idea helps improve user friendliness, this would be great. The reason I suggested a working example is because you are not explaining your idea very well. If you don\'t want to create an example, then how about taking an existing plugin and explain exactly where you think all the files should go.

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This is not my topic, and since you want to make a big deal about it. Here it is,

Let's say the weather plugin. You are to load everything to /gl/plugins/weather. Then move the /gl/plugins/weather/public_html/ to /public_html? But not so. You have to create a 'weather' directory in public_html. Then why not a /public/weather directory in the origianl package? So that the novice user will not put those files into the /public_html directory itself. Then you have to move the /gl/plugins/weather/public_html/admin files to /public_html/admin? Not so. It is actually /public_html/admin/plugins. That's doesn't end. You have to create a 'weather' directory there before you put the files. Since those files are supposed to be at that specific place, why not having a directory structure like this.


Squatty, no offense. I am just using this plugin as an example.

Since I am now used to it. As soon as I unpack a new plugins. I move them to the above directory structure before uploading. So I don't have to move around in the server.

If you really care about the gl community. I suggest that you login.


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Quote by samstone:You are to load everything to /gl/plugins/weather. Then move the /gl/plugins/weather/public_html/ to /public_html? But not so. You have to create a \'weather\' directory in public_html. Then why not a /public/weather directory in the origianl package?
That\'s for historical reasons. There was at one point a web-based plugin installation that required this directory layout (in the package). And Geeklog\'s plugin documentation still recommends to use this directory layout ... bye, Dirk

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