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Visitor Stats - Page/Title/URL column content

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Hi just wondering whether everything is ok with my Visitor Stats (v. 1.2) because all I get in Page/Title/URL column is shared-cgi/php4
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Doesn\'t look good to me.


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What do you suggest Tom?
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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I assume that you are talking about the page created by page.php.

That column uses php's parse_url routine to get the host name from the $_CONF['site_url'] variable. And then it uses the $page column from the gl_userstats database to figure out what page it comes from.

If you have a site that is located in a sub-directory of public_html then it will confuse this parsing routine. As a temporary fix you can alter the code in page.php to include the subdirectory. Thus starting on about line 212 you will find a compare like $A['page'] == 'article.php'. Change the 'article.php' to include the subdirectory. If you subdirectory was 'subdir' you would change it to read 'subdir/article.php'. If unsure look in your gl_userstats table at the page column.

Clear as mud? The version I am working on now will have a config variable to fix this.


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Did no good. Or I messed up something. I have my GL files in a dir called web. Inside there is public_html (in my case called html). So it goes webhtmlarticle.php. I tried various combinations htmlarticle.php, webarticle.php and webhtmlarticle.php. Same thing. Have I misunderstood your suggestions?
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Robin, The easiest way to find out what you should use is to look at you database and see what the page column of the gl_userstats contains. If it is just page names like article.php, then you should require no changes, but if it contains web/html/article.php then that is what you should use. TomW

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Right. After careful inspection of gl_userstats there is shared-cgi/php4 in page column. Question
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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A small update.
When entering a particular month the Next page link displays
Text Formatted Code

And then after clicking on such link I get this
Text Formatted Code
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' ' (ASCII=12) state=1 in /home/httpd/shared-cgi/php on line 886

Parse error: parse error in /home/httpd/shared-cgi/php on line 886

Any insights?
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It just so happens I think I know what the problem is. Let me guess your site is running on a Zeus webserver, right. If so change the $SCRIPT_NAME to $PHP_SELF in the function create_url in functions.inc.


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To be honest I have no idea as to the kind of webserver it is running on the server.
I applied the recommended change, looks like we are getting there
Now the next page link looks like this
Text Formatted Code

and as you probably would guess it gets you to the index (main) page.

Should I replace $SCRIPT_NAME with $PHP_SELF in the whole functions.inc?
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Sounds good.


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Problem solved
Thanx a lot Tom

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