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blocks and content

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I have a Web site at rivercitysoccer.net that is supposed to work as a team Web site for a couple of dozen youth soccer teams. When you click on a section -- for instance, U15G Clash -- a block appears at the top of the left column. This block contains links to staticpages for the team roster, league results, etc. When you click on one of those links, the staticpage displays BUT the team block then disappears. The block is called because it is related to the team \"topic.\" There doesn\'t appear to be a way to specify a \"topic\" for static pages. Is there a way to set this up so that the block related to the team remains in place when viewing team-related content? The teams are handled as both topics and groups. The staticpages are identified as belonging to the group but are visible to anonymous users by design. Ideas on how to get the topic block to stay visible while viewing related content? John Hughes

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Registered: 04/25/02
Posts: 154
The answer is so simple that I\'m puzzled as to why no one pointed it out. As mentioned above, the idea is to create a topic block that displays when you click on a Sections link. In my case, one of 24 different team names. The topic block linked to the team contains links to staticpages such as team roster, tournament results, etc. The problem was that when you clicked on the staticpage link, the topic block disappeared. SOLUTION: (sound of drum roll) add &topic=TopicID (for instance, &topic=88GClash) to the URL. Now, when the staticpage is called, the topic blocks are also maintained. (This works for any link. For instance, a link to the teams Gallery album with &topic=TopicID maintains the block.) Too easy; too cool; too Geeklog!

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