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Wierd error after theme swap

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Im pretty dizzy (if thats the word), i was trying destr0yers new theme, then switched back to the Classic (wich is my default for now) and this error is appearing on top of the 1st story;
Warning: fopen(/home/somosinv/geeklog/logs/error.log): failed to open stream: Permiso denegado in /home/somosinv/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1561

also if i want to send a story, i get this one:
Specified upload directory, /home/somosinv/public_html/images/articles exists but is not writable
File Upload Errors:
i really dont know whats going on.

Just in case, when i uploaded TabularDynamics, it needs "loginsforms.thml" wich i copied from Classic, tryed TD and worked ok. then changed back to Classic and went to sleep.
Today a friend told me about this errors, so i checked and i couldnt find a solution, i tryed changing perms for error.log but it didnt work...

please help

ps. QUOTE tags wont work
"this bussiness is binary, you are a 1 or a 0, alive... or death"

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Quote by sud_crow:
Warning: fopen(/home/somosinv/geeklog/logs/error.log): failed to open stream: Permiso denegado in /home/somosinv/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1561

You may not have your directories setup properly... shouldn't logs exist in /home/somosinv/logs/ ??

try setting perms to 775. if that doesnt work, try 777

Also set perms to 775/777 for articles. This is all explained in the Geeklog documentation (Step 3) (http://www.geeklog.net/docs/install.html)

-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams


<br />Hi dest0yer.<br /><br />Well, no, its ok in that dir, because i dont host my web its on a server under geeklog dir. and the other dir would be /home/somosinv/public_html<br />this is all set ok, worked ok till now.<br /><br />about changing perms, as i told before, it doesnt work, for the logs it does, and i really dont mind having 777 in logs as i dont think there will be any probs with that, but for articles i dont know whats going on, the directory has 755, and i tried 775 and 777, both failing (also i think there is a security issue in setting this dir to 777).<br /><br />The problem is that the only thing i did was changing the theme, nothing else, that shouldnt have changed my perms in files or dirs... anyway the problem is still there but with an update, this:<br /><br />---<br />Specified upload directory, /home/somosinv/public_html/images/articles exists but is not writable<br />File Upload Errors:<br />---<br /><br />comes up only with admin rights or moderation, not for normal users... so i dont understand why... is as if my admin username has lost its "rights" or something... i think it has something to do with the "loginforms.thtml"<br /><br />hope someone throws some light on this.<br /><br />ps. im not logged in, sorry, wont rewrite this!<br /><br />sud_crow.<br />

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more info
i get this when i want to logout:

Warning: fopen(/home/somosinv/geeklog/logs/access.log): failed to open stream: Permiso denegado in /home/somosinv/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1620

Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/somosinv/public_html/lib-common.php on line 1625

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/somosinv/public_html/lib-common.php:1620) in /home/somosinv/public_html/users.php on line 688

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/somosinv/public_html/lib-common.php:1620) in /home/somosinv/public_html/users.php on line 690

"this bussiness is binary, you are a 1 or a 0, alive... or death"

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This is probably too simple to be mentioned, but I had a similar problem once when I filled up my web directory. Is there still free space? Otherwise, all your log write attempts will fail, regardless of permissions.


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yes there is free space, around 30mb free, 20 used.
the log problem i think its solved, but the other two not, being an admin or a moderator, cannot post messages or logout.
the two error messages above appear when you try to do one or the other.

i didnt touch nothing but uploading the theme and copying the metioned file, dont understand whats going on... im thinking about deleting the hole site, but thats actually not a solution...
"this bussiness is binary, you are a 1 or a 0, alive... or death"

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Its seems the problem now is everywhere, i cannot even use the chatterbox, i think it has something to do with perms, but dont understand at what level...
"this bussiness is binary, you are a 1 or a 0, alive... or death"

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