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Add A Comment not showing

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I am testing out a geeklog website by adding some stories from another of my websites. Today I noticed that there is no link to add comments, except for the one story that already has a comment. The test site is at: tieracne.com What solutions would you suggest?
Arthur (http://www.shrednow.com)

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You either have comments turned off in the config.php or the theme you are using doesn\'t have a link.

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You either have comments turned off in the config.php or the theme you are using doesn't have a link. Comments seem to be enabled in config.php: $_CONF['comment_code'] = 0; // 0 = comments enabled, -1 = disabled This is the line for the comments in my theme:
Text Formatted Code
<a href="{comments_url}">{comments_text}</a>
(in storybodytxt.thtml)
Do I need to change either of these lines, or could it be something else? Thanks.
Arthur (http://www.shrednow.com)

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Edit the story and see if you have Comments enabled in the Mode section.

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Comments are enabled.
Arthur (http://www.shrednow.com)

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I got the comments text back. I had removed
Text Formatted Code
because I did not want the extra text about who left the last comment. By putting that variable back, the text \"Post A Comment\" is now displayed. Follow-up question. The details about the last comment add unneeded text to my page. Is there a hack or another variable that will display \"Post A Comment\" if there are no comments and nothing if there are comments?
Arthur (http://www.shrednow.com)

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Have a look here. bye, Dirk

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Thanks, Dirk. I had been looking there. So far I haven\'t seen one variable that does the following: - if there are no comments, shows Add A Comment link/text. - if there are comments, shows nothing. OR - if there are no comments, shows Add A Comment link. - if there are comments, shows the number of comments and comment link. Have I missed a variable that is on that list? Do I have to make my own variable? Thanks, Arthur
Arthur (http://www.shrednow.com)

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Geeklog (read: the professional theme)'s default is:
1) If there are no comments, show the "Add A Comment" link.
2) If there are comments, show "X comments" + "last comment by".

But what if I also want to add the "Add A Comment" below 2)?

Sure, I can add "post_comment_link", but then 1) would look like:
"Add A Comment" (taken from "recent_post_anchortag")
"Add A Comment" (taken from "post_comment_link")
(i.e. twice)!

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As you can see, we changed the Professional slightly (mainly to make room for the Trackback information). So how about the current solution?

I'm afraid the "last comment by" information is only available as a toggle with "post comment". You may have to patch lib-story.php here ...

bye, Dirk

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Yea, I've actually noticed it and the funny thing is I ended up patching lib-story.php and basically turned it to look like it officially looks like in the new beta (what can I do? I could neither install a beta there nor wait any longer).

I'd post it here, but I see no reason seeing it would become irrelevant soon (well, I hope...). That it, unless someone wants me too...

I like how the beta's approach is to treat equally to all stories with enabled comments. The only difference is just that X turns to 0.

And on a side note, it really is much better to allow people to post comments directly without confusing them just because there are previous comments.

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