Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 05:45 pm EST

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Can only log in via the "User Functions" block

The Logger

So for example, if click on "get published" and then try to log in (because only reg'ed users can submit there), it gives me a "bad user/password" error.

However, I did look in the Geeklog's logs and the user and password are the correct ones.
So I can only log in via the regular way.

Speaking of which, is there a way to reset Geeklog's logs?


Come on

...to make someone answer before the messages dissapear?

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Well, you can reset the logs by opening them up and deleting all of the text inside.

As for your login problem... I dunno. Did this just start happening recently? Or is this a new install?


It was always like that.

As for deleting the text, there are words like "dummy entry" or whatever, which I'm not sure I should delete.

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The log files can be empty (i.e. 0 bytes long), they just need to exist.

bye, Dirk

Stop Asking Who Am I

So the dummy entry will be recreated?

Anyway, what about the login problem?

The Servant

I lay down here on my knees and pray for the god of Geeklog to stop moving unanswered posts into secondary pages and to please provide an answer to his humble servant.

Thank you


I'm having the same login issue with the current version of GeekLog (not sure the exact version, but I downloaded it last week).

It won't login unless I do it through the login block.

Please Answer

Come on, some Geeklog programmer must recognize this...

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Quote by Please Answer: Come on, some Geeklog programmer must recognize this...

Well, it works for me, so I don't really know what to say or suggest ...

bye, Dirk

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