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Admin Password


I try to pretend i forgot my admin Password and ask for a new, but there was no password ind the mail.
Now i cannot login.
Can i reset the password in my db Oops!

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The password is not reset until you click on the link that's in the email, so the old password is still valid. That is, if we're talking about Geeklog 1.3.8.

In Geeklog 1.3.7 (and earlier), the password was reset. You can use phpMyAdmin to reset the password in the database: The account with uid 2 is the root account. "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" is the md5 value for "password" that you need to enter into the password field. There's also a way to enter a password directly and have phpMyAdmin encode it in md5, but I can't remember how off the top of my head.

bye, Dirk


I tried to copy paste the no: "example" 67bf6474ce9cd802aeadbcabe0417d4b into the password field but no luck...
What is md5 !
Do i have to reinstall my db to get in. Cry

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by CDC: I tried to copy paste the no: "example" 67bf6474ce9cd802aeadbcabe0417d4b into the password field but no luck...

Sorry, it's not clear what you tried.

What I meant was: In phpMyAdmin, find the account (in the gl_users table) for which you want to reset the password. Edit that entry. In the password field, enter the number I posted above (without the quotes) and save your changes. You should then be able to log in to that account by using "password" (again, without the quotes) as the password.

md5 is actually a method for creating checksums, but it can also be used for encryption. The passwords in the gl_users table are md5 encrypted and it's impossible to recreate the original password from that value (as it's only a checksum of the password).

phpMyAdmin has an option so that it does the md5 encryption for you. Next to the edit field for the password field, my version of phpMyAdmin has a dropdown menu (that might look slightly different in other versions) from which one of the options is "MD5". If you select that and then enter the password you want to use, phpMyAdmin will store the md5 sum of the password and you should be able to log in with the password you just entered.

bye, Dirk


Thank you very much.

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