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Story Admin's can't edit Stories

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I'm not sure if this is a bug, or somethign intentional, but on my site (and a few friends sites) story admin's don't have the privaledges to edit a story, not even their own. It would be awesome and cool if they could. Is there a simple hack to do this without giving story admin's full "root" privs?



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Do they have write privs to the topic in which the stories reside?

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OOOHhh!!! that mighta worked! i'll find out when my buddy tries to post/edit a story later today....

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I just discoved that mine doesn't work either. Not even when the topic permission is given.

Do you have HTMLArea installed? I am wondering if that caused the problem.

It must be caused by some recent updates because it was working before.


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i do have htmlarea installed, but my buddies site (same problem) doesn't have it... and i had the problem before i installed it.


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apparently changing the topic to allow the group to edit it.. made it possible for my buddy to edit his story (need to confirm)

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Since you said so, I reset the topic's permission, which was previously already given permission to the Story Admin. In other words, I just pressed 'save' to resave the setting. Now it is working.

I suspect the upgrade to SR2 affected this setting.



You need to set the user as a story admin. Also, in the topic admin screen you need to set the topic you want them to be able to post/edit as group edit rights. You have to do this for each topic or they won't be able to edit their stories in that particular topic.

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Quote by Matt: Also, in the topic admin screen you need to set the topic you want them to be able to post/edit as group edit rights.

this was the problem i was having...... changing that fixed it though

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I have this problem as well. Seting the topic rights to group edit fixed it, but I don't like having to do this. Is this a bug? I am using gl 1.3.9

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Quote by jhendrickson: I have this problem as well. Seting the topic rights to group edit fixed it, but I don't like having to do this. Is this a bug? I am using gl 1.3.9

It's not a bug. Check out this FAQ entry for details.

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After more experimenting I have determined that the story admin must also be a topic admin as well. Also, the topic must be set to group edit. If not the story admin gets an error saying they tried to access a story they don't have access rights to. Even though they created the story.

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