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What entries to edit with this problem

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Hello again People,

I have installed my geeklog and it is working but trying to put it on th internet has been impossible. http://www.feyiola.com I do have connection to the internet through DSL and I get to any site okay.

My config.php file shows the right path to my directories, but the site url seems to be the problem. I have the site url as localhost and with that, I see everything clearly on my webserver because I have my Public_html folder inside htdocs. Trying to change site url from localhost to www.feyiola.com gives me the broken links on my site. which is exactly what you get when you go to the site with the www.feyiola.com

So I see the site the way it should be seen on my webserver, but you will see it as a messed up site on the internet and since all my links are pointing to my localhost and as such, takes you to page not found.

I have Gallery installed and in my house, I see all my albums and the stories perfectly well.

Is there anything that I need to change somewhere else? I am at my wits end...

Is there anyone running my exact type system that can tell me what is wrong... I have windows 2000 Advanced Server with Active Directory, Apache 2.0.47, PHP 4.3.2, Mysql 4.0.13 Geeklog 1.3.8pl1 and Gallery 1.4

Please help I am really desperate...



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Edit your httpd.conf file and look for ServerName and set it to either your internet ip address or www.feyiola.com, save it and see what happens.
I, for some reason, don't have anything set as localhost. I can't remember my exact conf file layout though, but I do remember that part.

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Hi ,I was just at your site and the first thing i can see by looking at it is the "localhost" is being used . Change this to ""(your ip) or {site_url} and that should fix most of it
Text Formatted Code

<a href="http://localhost/gallery_feyiola/grandpa>
should reed
<a href="">
<a href="{site_url}/gallery_feyiola/grandpa">
or try fixing the address from
<a href="http://localhost/gallery_feyiola/grandpa>
<a href="http://localhost/gallery_feyiola/grandpa">
the   {  "  } is missing at the end .


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Thanks for all your help, I just want to be crystal clear about something.

My router has the WAN IP address of and a LAN IP of

My Server has the LAN IP address of

If I change the config.php and the httpd.conf files would I see the site locally, Please this is my first time, and somehow thinks that the IP address of the webserver is what should be in it.

Thanks again.


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Hello again,

After changing the servername to www.feyiola.com I was able to view the site locally.

The real problem in my opinion is in my config.php file.

// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://localhost';

When I changed the localhost in the above entry, then I get the broken site like you get on the internet.

Should I just move the config.php file to another location. It is presently in my Geeklog directory which is outside my docroot.

Somehow I think this is a simple problem, but it is killing me.

Please help.

Thanks again


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that should not be http://localhost, it should be or if you have it set for a differant port than port 80 then it would be

Take mine, for example, my internet (or WAN) ip address is, but my server is behind a router and the address is, since I use a differant port than 80, the is $_CONF['site_url']='';

I would not move your config.php, since you would have to change ALOT more with the directory paths and such.

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Sorry about this extra post but I just tried your site. If I click on a link it is a dead link, but, if I use your ip address and put the link at the end, it works.
Like the stats link was dead, but I used
and it worked.

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There are two important path's in config.php:

$_CONF['path'] = '/home/xdykylfj/'; //trailing slash!

This is your absolute server path to the directory where your config.php is located (your geeklog root folder)

$_CONF['site_url'] = http://www.feyiola.com; //no trailing slash!

This is the URL to your site, pointing to public_html directory.

http://localhost makes no sense if you want to show your page to the world Smile

btw... your server (or the connection) is slow as hell (at least for me) what causes my browser give up with a timeout Confused


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Quote by geKow: There are two important path's in config.php:

$_CONF['path'] = '/home/xdykylfj/'; //trailing slash!

This is your absolute server path to the directory where your config.php is located (your geeklog root folder)

$_CONF['site_url'] = http://www.feyiola.com; //no trailing slash!

This is the URL to your site, pointing to public_html directory.

http://localhost makes no sense if you want to show your page to the world Smile


Are you purposely missing the single quotes on the second entry?

$_CONF['site_url'] = http://www.feyiola.com; //no trailing slash!

Should it be 'http://www.feyiola.com';

The entry you put there has no quotation marks...

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Angry I'll return my "give smart tips" licence

Of course you need to put the url in single quotes, my fault as I was a bit in a rush Oops!

sorry, geKow

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