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Dragon Knight

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I've found this game on the internet. It's an online masive multiplayer rpg writhen in PHP.
I really liked it, because I was looking for something like this to use on my site.
I would like to intigrate it into Geeklog, but I don't know how. Cry
Somone who would like to do this for me? Or who want's to give some hints in who to do this?
It looked like fun to have on youre site. And maybe some other people would like it to.

grtz & thx
btw: sry for the errors in my English.


I have been playing with this and you don't want to add it to geeklog.
The reason is it will tear up your database.
It's made to be a fast script so you can move on the map.
But if you add it to geeklog.
Your talking about refreshing every thing as fast as you page will refresh.
Now get a few people doing that and your going to run into database problem getting overloaded from all the request.

But what you may want to look into is something like a script to place in the sign up were it will transfer a user name from 1 database to a deferent database.
That way it's on it's own database and you can run it with out crashing your site.

Also you can right a script that will show who's in game on your "Game site"

I am not saying you can't do it. It's just going to slow it down to add it to Geek log like normal plugs.

And with a page that you will have players refreshing it every sec.
Adding all the stuff Geek log request and what ever plug-ins you have is going to be a lot of hits on your site and database.

That's the only problem I have with GL.
I have a lot of plugs and a lot of people that come to my site.
I may have as many as 20 - 50 people at 1 time using my chat box as a chat program.

And even tho I have 20 databases.
GL is made to run off of 1. So I run into problems with it crashing. Cry

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thanks for that!, I just uploaded it to my site, I'm not gonna intergrate it or anythign but some of my users are loving it!

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Registered: 02/07/04
Posts: 90
Yes, thx for the help. I didn't knew any of those things.
Now ik know this game isn't a great idee. Is there a game avialable fot geeklog that I can use on my site?


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