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Problems with Daily Digest

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Hi! I've got a problem with my Daily Digest execution, I appreciate any help/advice on this! I followed the instructions in the FAQ here on the site to execute a Daily Digest for my site.

Everything went well, and i got the first digest to myself (a big file that had all my stories in it) but when i checked my email for the cron job confirmation - there was this error message:

Warning: gethostbyaddr(): Address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address in
/home/thushara/plugins/stats/functions.inc on line 341

I'm not sure what this means as I've limited knowledge in php and mySQL. Could someone please help me decipher this? Thank you so much!

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See here for a solution.

bye, Dirk

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Thanks for the quick reply! Smile
I read through the article and so far, I think I get what's going on. It seems the solution according to the article is the following:

"Looking at emailgeeklogstories, it just calls a function in lib-common.php. Try excluding lib-common.php from the page exclusion option and see if that fixes it."

I'm a little confused by the last sentence. Where am I supposed to exclude lib-common.php from? I'm not sure where the page exclusion option is. Please help. Thanks so much!

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What was meant in the other thread (where i was involved) was: to go to the vstats admin page and enter lib.common.php at "The Following Pages are not Captured in User Stats:"


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Thanks, Gekow. I did as you said and put in lib.common.php in the pages that should be excluded by the stats plugin. However, I still get the same error message. Frown

Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong? I entered the name as "lib.common.php" (except without the inverted commas) as you specified. Is this right?

Also, I'm using the cron job facility from my cpanel. I noticed that if I entered the command as 30 2 * * * /home/thushara/emailgeeklogstories - I receive an email giving me this:

Usage: php [options] [-f] <file> [args...]
php [options] -r <code> [args...]
php [options] [-- args...]
-a Run interactively
-c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory
-n No php.ini file will be used
-d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
-e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
-f <file> Parse <file>.
-h This help
-i PHP information
-l Syntax check only (lint)
-m Show compiled in modules
-r <code> Run PHP <code> without using script tags <?..?>
-s Display colour syntax highlighted source.
-v Version number
-w Display source with stripped comments and whitespace.
-z <file> Load Zend extension <file>.

args... Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument
starts with - or script is read from stdin

But, if I enter the command as 30 2 * * * php -q -f /home/thushara/emailgeeklogstories, I get the error message as specified in my first post - the one that says the address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address...

Other than those settings in the cronjob thing I made, my path to lib-common.php in the "emailgeeklogstories" file is saved as /home/thushara/public_html/lib-common.php

And the config.php - I have already set it to 1 (yes) for the emailgeeklogstories feature.

Is there anything else I'm doing wrong that I haven't noticed but is glaringly clear for others to make out? There's got to be something I'm doing wrong! If only I could find it...

I appreciate any suggestions and advice! Please help! Thanks so much!

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I've got the same problem with the

"Warning: gethostbyaddr(): Address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address in..." error.

I've tried excluding lib-common.php and emailgeeklogstories but neither helps.

Any suggestions?



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Hey Steve,

I still haven't solved the problem with the Daily digest either! Are you using a cpanel interface for the cronjob too? Btw, what version of Geeklog are you using ? Mine's GL ver.1.3.8-1sr4.

I also tried to exclude the following files from the visitor stats - lib.common.php (as Gekow suggested) and I added in lib-common.php and also emailgeeklogstories. But, unfortunately, it's not working! Still get the same error...

Maybe someone here could help us out. Is there any other ways to do this?

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I do have cpanel, I haven't tried to run it from there yet. I'll let you know what happens.

I'm on (1.3.8-1sr4) too.

If I can't get help on this I may just remove stats, while I really would like them I think the digest is more important to me.


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OK, I had no trouble with running it from cron.

I found this on the digest faq:

What you need is cron and the ability to call PHP scripts from a cronjob (if you don't have cron / cronjobs, you can still use this feature by installing the Manual Digest plugin).

Your server may be configured not to allow php scripts.



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well, the good news is that my Daily Digest is working now! Big Grin And all thanks to rawdata! I emailed rawdata and he/she replied explaining how to get rid of the error message.

Here's the explanation & once again, loadsa thanks & mad props to rawdata! Smile

The function gethostbyaddr takes the IP of a visitor (ie his remote
and looks up the corresponding hostname. This works fine when a page
request is made by someone located outside your server. The daily
though runs right on your server so there is no associated remote
address to
grab. When the script gets to the above line of code, it spits out a
warning message saying the address is not a valid IP which it isn't --
totally blank.

To silence the warning, you can prepend an @ to gethostbyaddr:

. "', host='" . @gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR)

This will make an entry into your stats table every time the digest is
If you don't want an entry, then you can change this line (around 356)
located right above the entire SQL statement from:

} else {


} elseif (isset($REMOTE_ADDR)) {

You can try excluding the files lib-common.php and emailgeeklogstories
the stats plugin. If you still get warnings, then one of these minor
changes I described should stop it. The digest itself should continue
operating fine with or without this warning. It only sends a digest
though when new stories are published between cron job runnings.

Hope this helps.

And it did help! Smile So, steves, hope you get your daily digest working too!

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When I run the shell script I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/home/woody/web/geeklog-1.3.9/public_html/lib-common.php on line 3260

Any clues?

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It has something to do with using the PEAR classes.

Do emails work on your site? And which method are you using ('mail', 'smtp', or 'sendmail')?

The Daily Digest script may run in a slightly different environment than your Geeklog site, as it's being called from a cronjob and not from your webserver. Try switching to another method for sending mail or talk to your hosting service and see if they can do anything here.

bye, Dirk

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I am using 'mail'

I noticed if I turned off the emails coming from "Moderator" the problem stopped.. I'm guessing it was related to a bad email address..

Not sure if that make sense, but it seemed to work after that change.

Thanks for the quick response.. You've got a great product.. Keep up the great job..

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