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Four separate sites on one server
Thanks to my server company I have to start all over on my websites. I will have 1 top level and 3 add-on domains. All add on domains will have to be their own install with their own database. The only shared element will be the gallery.
I have tried using the directions for multiple sites here: http://www.geeklog.net/faqman/index.php?op=view&t=17 but they seem to want to share most files.
When I try to do a full install and check php I get a page 404 error. I have replaced the install file in the top level domain thinking that may be the problem. I have also changed the public_html file names in the add-on domains thinking there was a conflict with that file name. I also renamed the admin file.
Is there something special you have to add to the paths when you are using an addon domain? I know this is long but I am adding my config.php code here just in case someone can help me with this before I go crazy. I have checked permissions about 20 times and they are all set at 777 which I know I need on this server.
/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Geeklog 1.3 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | config.php |
// | |
// | Geeklog configuration file. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the following authors: |
// | |
// | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony@tonybibbs.com |
// | Dirk Haun - dirk@haun-online.de |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
// | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | GNU General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. |
// | |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | See the docs/install.html and docs/config.html files for more information |
// | on configuration. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: config.php,v 1.107 2004/02/14 19:19:10 dhaun Exp $
// When setting up Geeklog for the first time, you need to make sure the
// settings in the following 3 sections are correct:
// (1) Database Settings
// (2) Paths
// (3) Site Settings
// You can adjust the other settings once your site is up and running.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (1) Database Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_host = 'localhost'; // host name or IP address of your DB server
$_DB_name = 'keystone_marines1'; // name of your database,
// must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'keystone_*****'; // MySQL user name
$_DB_pass = '*****'; // MySQL password
// The table prefix is prepended to each table used be Geeklog to avoid name
// collisions with other tables that may already exist in your database.
$_DB_table_prefix = 'km_gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (2) Paths |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Note for Windows users: It's safe to use the forward slash '/' instead of
// the backslash '' in paths. Make sure each path starts with a drive letter!
// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/'; // should end in a slash
// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/marines_site/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/marines_site/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (3) Site Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.keystonemarines.com';
// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/marines_site/km_admin';
// This is the return address for all email sent by Geeklog:
$_CONF['site_mail'] = 'keystone@keystonemarines.com';
// Name and slogan of your site
$_CONF['site_name'] = 'Keystone Marines';
$_CONF['site_slogan'] = 'Supporting Americas 9-1-1 Force';
// ****************************************************************************
// * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn't need to change *
// * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.*
// ****************************************************************************
// Note: See the file docs/config.html for more information on the settings.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | All paths must have a trailing slash ('/'). |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// you shouldn't need to edit theses
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';
// If you set path_images to something other than the default, you will need to
// make sure that you add the following subdirectories to that directory:
// articles/, userphotos/
$_CONF['path_images'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'images/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PEAR Settings |
// | |
// | Geeklog uses PEAR to send emails (see "Email Settings" below). Here you |
// | can tell Geeklog whether to use the PEAR packages installed on your |
// | server or to use the included packages. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// If your server is running PHP 4.3.0 (or newer) then chances are that PEAR
// is already installed and you can change this to: $_CONF['have_pear'] = true;
$_CONF['have_pear'] = false;
// Geeklog comes with the necessary PEAR packages and will pick them up from
// the following directory if $_CONF['have_pear'] = false (above).
$_CONF['path_pear'] = $_CONF['path_system'] . 'pear/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Email Settings |
// | |
// | Configure how Geeklog sends email: Via PHP's mail() function, sendmail, |
// | or via an SMTP server. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// To send email from Geeklog, you will need to select one of the following
// email backends:
// - 'mail', i.e. use PHP's built-in mail() function
// - 'sendmail', i.e. use the sendmail utility
// - 'smtp', i.e. talk directly to your SMTP server
// The default is 'mail' and will work in most environments.
$_CONF['mail_settings'] = array (
'backend' => 'sendmail', // can be one of 'mail', 'sendmail', 'smtp'
// sendmail parameters (for 'backend' => 'sendmail')
'sendmail_path' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
'sendmail_args' => '',
// SMTP parameters (for 'backend' => 'smtp')
'host' => 'smtp.example.com',
'port' => '25',
'auth' => false,
'username' => 'smtp-username',
'password' => 'smtp-password'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | Database type and database backup settings. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_dbms = 'mysql'; // Do not change (currently, only MySQL is supported)
// optional settings for making database backups from within Geeklog
$_CONF['allow_mysqldump'] = 1; // 1 = on, 0 = off
$_DB_mysqldump_path = '/usr/bin/mysqldump'; // path to mysqldump binary
$_CONF['mysqldump_options'] = '-Q'; // additional options for mysqldump
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | These settings help define your Geeklog site. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['theme'] = 'XSilver'; // default theme
// you shouldn't need to edit the following
$_CONF['layout_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/layout/' . $_CONF['theme'];
$_CONF['path_themes'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'layout/';
$_CONF['path_layout'] = $_CONF['path_themes'] . $_CONF['theme'] . '/';
// optional settings (1 = on, 0 = off)
$_CONF['allow_user_themes'] = 0;
$_CONF['allow_user_language'] = 1;
$_CONF['allow_user_photo'] = 1; // allow users to upload self-photo
// hides the list of authors from the preferences
$_CONF['hide_author_exclusion'] = 0;
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Support for custom user registration form and account details |
// | Requires custom functions to be written that can be placed in lib-custom |
// | Function hooks are in users.php, usersettings.php and admin/user.php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['custom_registration'] = false; // Set to true if you have custom code
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | see docs/config.html#locale for details |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['language'] = 'english';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'en-gb';
$_CONF['date'] = '%A, %B %d %Y @ %I:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%m/%d %I:%M%p';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly'] = '%d-%b';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%I:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | To disable your Geeklog site quickly, simply set this flag to false |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['site_enabled'] = true; // true or false
// Message shown when site is down
// When this starts with 'http:' visitors are redirected to that URL
$_CONF['site_disabled_msg'] = 'Geeklog Site is down. Please come back soon.';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | cookie_ip will store md5(remoteip + randomnum) as the session ID in the |
// | cookie. This is more secure but will more than likely require dialed up |
// | users to login each and every time. If ipbasedsessid is turned off |
// | (which it is by default) it will just store a random number as the |
// | session ID in the cookie. |
// | |
// | default_perm_cookie_timeout is how long you want the permanent cookie |
// | to persist for (in seconds). This can be overridden by the user in |
// | their user prefs if they want. If you set the default to 0, users will |
// | have to log in again once their session expired. |
// | |
// | session_cookie_time is how long you want the session cookie to persist |
// | for. Only really useful in scenarios where you don't want to allow |
// | permanent cookies |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['cookie_session'] = 'gl_session';
$_CONF['cookie_name'] = 'geeklog';
$_CONF['cookie_password'] = 'password';
$_CONF['cookie_theme'] = 'theme';
$_CONF['cookie_language'] = 'language';
$_CONF['cookie_lastvisit'] = 'LastVisit';
$_CONF['cookie_lastvisittemp'] = 'LastVisitTemp';
$_CONF['cookie_ip'] = 0;
$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout'] = 28800;
$_CONF['session_cookie_timeout'] = 7200;
$_CONF['cookie_path'] = '/';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = ''; // e.g. '.example.com'
$_CONF['cookiesecure'] = 0;
// Set to false if you don't want to store last login data and time in the userinfo table
$_CONF['lastlogin'] = true;
I have tried using the directions for multiple sites here: http://www.geeklog.net/faqman/index.php?op=view&t=17 but they seem to want to share most files.
When I try to do a full install and check php I get a page 404 error. I have replaced the install file in the top level domain thinking that may be the problem. I have also changed the public_html file names in the add-on domains thinking there was a conflict with that file name. I also renamed the admin file.
Is there something special you have to add to the paths when you are using an addon domain? I know this is long but I am adding my config.php code here just in case someone can help me with this before I go crazy. I have checked permissions about 20 times and they are all set at 777 which I know I need on this server.
Text Formatted Code
<?php/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Geeklog 1.3 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | config.php |
// | |
// | Geeklog configuration file. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the following authors: |
// | |
// | Authors: Tony Bibbs - tony@tonybibbs.com |
// | Dirk Haun - dirk@haun-online.de |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
// | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | GNU General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. |
// | |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | See the docs/install.html and docs/config.html files for more information |
// | on configuration. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: config.php,v 1.107 2004/02/14 19:19:10 dhaun Exp $
// When setting up Geeklog for the first time, you need to make sure the
// settings in the following 3 sections are correct:
// (1) Database Settings
// (2) Paths
// (3) Site Settings
// You can adjust the other settings once your site is up and running.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (1) Database Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_host = 'localhost'; // host name or IP address of your DB server
$_DB_name = 'keystone_marines1'; // name of your database,
// must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'keystone_*****'; // MySQL user name
$_DB_pass = '*****'; // MySQL password
// The table prefix is prepended to each table used be Geeklog to avoid name
// collisions with other tables that may already exist in your database.
$_DB_table_prefix = 'km_gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (2) Paths |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Note for Windows users: It's safe to use the forward slash '/' instead of
// the backslash '' in paths. Make sure each path starts with a drive letter!
// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/'; // should end in a slash
// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/marines_site/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/marines_site/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (3) Site Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.keystonemarines.com';
// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/marines_site/km_admin';
// This is the return address for all email sent by Geeklog:
$_CONF['site_mail'] = 'keystone@keystonemarines.com';
// Name and slogan of your site
$_CONF['site_name'] = 'Keystone Marines';
$_CONF['site_slogan'] = 'Supporting Americas 9-1-1 Force';
// ****************************************************************************
// * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn't need to change *
// * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.*
// ****************************************************************************
// Note: See the file docs/config.html for more information on the settings.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | All paths must have a trailing slash ('/'). |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// you shouldn't need to edit theses
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';
// If you set path_images to something other than the default, you will need to
// make sure that you add the following subdirectories to that directory:
// articles/, userphotos/
$_CONF['path_images'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'images/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PEAR Settings |
// | |
// | Geeklog uses PEAR to send emails (see "Email Settings" below). Here you |
// | can tell Geeklog whether to use the PEAR packages installed on your |
// | server or to use the included packages. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// If your server is running PHP 4.3.0 (or newer) then chances are that PEAR
// is already installed and you can change this to: $_CONF['have_pear'] = true;
$_CONF['have_pear'] = false;
// Geeklog comes with the necessary PEAR packages and will pick them up from
// the following directory if $_CONF['have_pear'] = false (above).
$_CONF['path_pear'] = $_CONF['path_system'] . 'pear/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Email Settings |
// | |
// | Configure how Geeklog sends email: Via PHP's mail() function, sendmail, |
// | or via an SMTP server. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// To send email from Geeklog, you will need to select one of the following
// email backends:
// - 'mail', i.e. use PHP's built-in mail() function
// - 'sendmail', i.e. use the sendmail utility
// - 'smtp', i.e. talk directly to your SMTP server
// The default is 'mail' and will work in most environments.
$_CONF['mail_settings'] = array (
'backend' => 'sendmail', // can be one of 'mail', 'sendmail', 'smtp'
// sendmail parameters (for 'backend' => 'sendmail')
'sendmail_path' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
'sendmail_args' => '',
// SMTP parameters (for 'backend' => 'smtp')
'host' => 'smtp.example.com',
'port' => '25',
'auth' => false,
'username' => 'smtp-username',
'password' => 'smtp-password'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | Database type and database backup settings. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_dbms = 'mysql'; // Do not change (currently, only MySQL is supported)
// optional settings for making database backups from within Geeklog
$_CONF['allow_mysqldump'] = 1; // 1 = on, 0 = off
$_DB_mysqldump_path = '/usr/bin/mysqldump'; // path to mysqldump binary
$_CONF['mysqldump_options'] = '-Q'; // additional options for mysqldump
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | These settings help define your Geeklog site. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['theme'] = 'XSilver'; // default theme
// you shouldn't need to edit the following
$_CONF['layout_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/layout/' . $_CONF['theme'];
$_CONF['path_themes'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'layout/';
$_CONF['path_layout'] = $_CONF['path_themes'] . $_CONF['theme'] . '/';
// optional settings (1 = on, 0 = off)
$_CONF['allow_user_themes'] = 0;
$_CONF['allow_user_language'] = 1;
$_CONF['allow_user_photo'] = 1; // allow users to upload self-photo
// hides the list of authors from the preferences
$_CONF['hide_author_exclusion'] = 0;
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Support for custom user registration form and account details |
// | Requires custom functions to be written that can be placed in lib-custom |
// | Function hooks are in users.php, usersettings.php and admin/user.php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['custom_registration'] = false; // Set to true if you have custom code
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | see docs/config.html#locale for details |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['language'] = 'english';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'en-gb';
$_CONF['date'] = '%A, %B %d %Y @ %I:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%m/%d %I:%M%p';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly'] = '%d-%b';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%I:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | To disable your Geeklog site quickly, simply set this flag to false |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['site_enabled'] = true; // true or false
// Message shown when site is down
// When this starts with 'http:' visitors are redirected to that URL
$_CONF['site_disabled_msg'] = 'Geeklog Site is down. Please come back soon.';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | cookie_ip will store md5(remoteip + randomnum) as the session ID in the |
// | cookie. This is more secure but will more than likely require dialed up |
// | users to login each and every time. If ipbasedsessid is turned off |
// | (which it is by default) it will just store a random number as the |
// | session ID in the cookie. |
// | |
// | default_perm_cookie_timeout is how long you want the permanent cookie |
// | to persist for (in seconds). This can be overridden by the user in |
// | their user prefs if they want. If you set the default to 0, users will |
// | have to log in again once their session expired. |
// | |
// | session_cookie_time is how long you want the session cookie to persist |
// | for. Only really useful in scenarios where you don't want to allow |
// | permanent cookies |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['cookie_session'] = 'gl_session';
$_CONF['cookie_name'] = 'geeklog';
$_CONF['cookie_password'] = 'password';
$_CONF['cookie_theme'] = 'theme';
$_CONF['cookie_language'] = 'language';
$_CONF['cookie_lastvisit'] = 'LastVisit';
$_CONF['cookie_lastvisittemp'] = 'LastVisitTemp';
$_CONF['cookie_ip'] = 0;
$_CONF['default_perm_cookie_timeout'] = 28800;
$_CONF['session_cookie_timeout'] = 7200;
$_CONF['cookie_path'] = '/';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = ''; // e.g. '.example.com'
$_CONF['cookiesecure'] = 0;
// Set to false if you don't want to store last login data and time in the userinfo table
$_CONF['lastlogin'] = true;
Status: offline
Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 10/09/03
Posts: 161
i have had no proplems with 2 sites just make shure that the
database name is diferent
$_DB_name = 'keystone_marines1';
and use an alies in the httpd.conf
Alias /VirtualTextures "C:/???/webroot/JVT/public_html"
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
database name is diferent
$_DB_name = 'keystone_marines1';
and use an alies in the httpd.conf
Text Formatted Code
Alias /VirtualTextures "C:/???/webroot/JVT/public_html"
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 05/10/04
Posts: 34
Your path
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/marines_site/';
Should there be a leading slash? - there is already a trailing slash in the CONF['path'] ??
I use 2 sites in separate directories on one domain with diff databases. - no probs yet just testing
Another quest on multiple sites
Do we need to change the session ID for each installation on the same domain?
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/marines_site/';
Should there be a leading slash? - there is already a trailing slash in the CONF['path'] ??
I use 2 sites in separate directories on one domain with diff databases. - no probs yet just testing
Another quest on multiple sites
Do we need to change the session ID for each installation on the same domain?
I changed the file name back to admin and corrected the slash error.
There are separate databases for each site. When I run check php or install php I get the same 404 error. It is finding the site it is just telling me the install directory is not there but I have checked and it is. I have also deleted and uploaded a fresh copy of the directory. I am adding the 404 error message below. Maybe someone else can see what I am missing.
The requested URL /admin/install/install.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an Error Document to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.29 Server at keystonemarines.keystonesoldiers.org Port **
There are separate databases for each site. When I run check php or install php I get the same 404 error. It is finding the site it is just telling me the install directory is not there but I have checked and it is. I have also deleted and uploaded a fresh copy of the directory. I am adding the 404 error message below. Maybe someone else can see what I am missing.
The requested URL /admin/install/install.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an Error Document to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.29 Server at keystonemarines.keystonesoldiers.org Port **
I corrected that error earlier and still get the same error message.
I deleted the config.php file and uploded a fresh one. Checked every path again and am still missing something. Do I have to move the files to a top level directory? Could it be because the site is inside another public_html directory that I have to move it up or change permissions?
I deleted the config.php file and uploded a fresh one. Checked every path again and am still missing something. Do I have to move the files to a top level directory? Could it be because the site is inside another public_html directory that I have to move it up or change permissions?
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 01/28/04
Posts: 68
Here you go:
// | (1) Database Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_host = 'localhost'; // host name or IP address of your DB server
$_DB_name = 'keystone_marines1'; // name of your database,
// must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'keystone_*****'; // MySQL user name
$_DB_pass = '*****'; // MySQL password
// The table prefix is prepended to each table used be Geeklog to avoid name
// collisions with other tables that may already exist in your database.
$_DB_table_prefix = 'km_gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (2) Paths |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Note for Windows users: It's safe to use the forward slash '/' instead of
// the backslash '' in paths. Make sure each path starts with a drive letter!
// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/'; // should end in a slash
// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/marines_site/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'marines_site/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (3) Site Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.keystonemarines.com';
// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . 'admin/';
// This is the return address for all email sent by Geeklog:
$_CONF['site_mail'] = 'keystone@keystonemarines.com';
// Name and slogan of your site
$_CONF['site_name'] = 'Keystone Marines';
$_CONF['site_slogan'] = 'Supporting Americas 9-1-1 Force';
// ****************************************************************************
// * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn't need to change *
// * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.*
// ****************************************************************************
// Note: See the file docs/config.html for more information on the settings.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | All paths must have a trailing slash ('/'). |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// you shouldn't need to edit theses
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';
// If you set path_images to something other than the default, you will need to
// make sure that you add the following subdirectories to that directory:
// articles/, userphotos/
$_CONF['path_images'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'images/';
Text Formatted Code
+// | (1) Database Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_host = 'localhost'; // host name or IP address of your DB server
$_DB_name = 'keystone_marines1'; // name of your database,
// must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'keystone_*****'; // MySQL user name
$_DB_pass = '*****'; // MySQL password
// The table prefix is prepended to each table used be Geeklog to avoid name
// collisions with other tables that may already exist in your database.
$_DB_table_prefix = 'km_gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (2) Paths |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Note for Windows users: It's safe to use the forward slash '/' instead of
// the backslash '' in paths. Make sure each path starts with a drive letter!
// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/'; // should end in a slash
// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/keystone/public_html/keystonemarines/marines_site/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'marines_site/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (3) Site Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.keystonemarines.com';
// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . 'admin/';
// This is the return address for all email sent by Geeklog:
$_CONF['site_mail'] = 'keystone@keystonemarines.com';
// Name and slogan of your site
$_CONF['site_name'] = 'Keystone Marines';
$_CONF['site_slogan'] = 'Supporting Americas 9-1-1 Force';
// ****************************************************************************
// * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn't need to change *
// * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.*
// ****************************************************************************
// Note: See the file docs/config.html for more information on the settings.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | All paths must have a trailing slash ('/'). |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// you shouldn't need to edit theses
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';
// If you set path_images to something other than the default, you will need to
// make sure that you add the following subdirectories to that directory:
// articles/, userphotos/
$_CONF['path_images'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'images/';
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 01/28/04
Posts: 68
Ok once I corrected that error again I was still getting the page 404. It could not find the admin directory.
I finally figured out that I had to copy the admin directory to the same level as the config.php. As soon as I did that it worked fine and installed perfectly.
Turias...thanks for your help with this.
I finally figured out that I had to copy the admin directory to the same level as the config.php. As soon as I did that it worked fine and installed perfectly.
Turias...thanks for your help with this.
Status: offline
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Full Member
Registered: 10/09/03
Posts: 161
i was having the same problem , until i added an alies for the second site in the httpd.conf
// Alias /VirtualTextures "C:/??/webroot/site-name/public_html"
// <Directory "C:/??/webroot/site-name/public_html">
// Options Indexes
// AllowOverride None
// Order allow,deny
// Allow from all
// </Directory>
then i was able to run
Text Formatted Code
// Alias /VirtualTextures "C:/??/webroot/site-name/public_html"
// <Directory "C:/??/webroot/site-name/public_html">
// Options Indexes
// AllowOverride None
// Order allow,deny
// Allow from all
// </Directory>
then i was able to run
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