Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 30 2024 @ 12:37 pm EST

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Setting up GL on shared server. Gets wrong Domain?


Im having a problem with the initial install. The instal.php goes fine through the first part, but when I try to make the tables, I can not login to the MYSQL database... I have the username and pass correct in the config.php, but when I run the install.php I get this error:

Access denied for user: 'gotopfitness@gyotaku.com'

Now here is the thing... The gyotaku.com is ANOTHER domain on this shared IP, but not the one that Im settig up... Im setting up goTopFitness.com Any ideas on why this is resolving to the wrong IP?

Ive looked at my DNS and pinged servers all morning. and it seems ok... I cant figure out why the PHP connect call is getting that domain name for the user...


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Have you tried setting $_DB_host (in config.php) to the name of the correct MySQL server (instead of using "localhost")?

bye, Dirk


I sure have... I have tried a lot of different configurations for my config.php Most give my the same result, some just fail completely...

Ive tried the DomainName.com the IP the LocalHost and

The username and password that Im using in the config.php work great to login and make tables through the phpMyAdmin console for MYSQL... I can manage the MYSQL instance fine... I just cant get GL to connect and make the tables...



Im still having this issue. Ive been working with my ISP to help troubleshoot, but Im not getting anywhere...

Ive tried every combinatnion of server name, username and everyhing else that I can think of to get the install to go... but Im still getting the wrong domain name appended to the Username that I put in the MYSQL_CONNECT call...


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Registered: 10/09/03
Posts: 161
have you thought about the port #
or line 70 in lib-common.php

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