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FileMgmt Plugin 1.3RC3 released

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The latest Release Candidate (RC3) for the version 1.3 of the FileMgmt Plugin is now available. If all goes well with testing - then I will make a final release.

I have added some much needed enhancements to the admin features of the Plugin for managing user submitted uploads. Thanks to Dirk and Vinny for the suggestions. All were implemented guys so please test away and let me know if I forgot anything or see any issues.
  • The site admin can not configure how they want to handle certain file types and rename or reject file types.
  • The admin can now preview the file before approving or deleteing it.
  • Submitter name is now a link to their profile when previewing the new files
    When approving files or managing broken links, the script will return to this screen now instead of the default admin page
The plugins config.php now has a new array that controls how the site admin wants to handle certain file types. If there is a matching file extension, the option is to automatically rename the file or reject it. This is done for both the submitted file and submitted thumbnail - in case someone tries to upload a executable file as a image.

As before, in all cases, the new file is given a temporary random name so it can not be accessed. I have added the ability to auto-rename or reject new files. Additionally, duplicates are checked for - when users are submitting new files.

The new config array in the plugins config.php looks like this:
Text Formatted Code

$_FMDOWNLOAD  = array(
    'php'   => 'phps',
    'pl'    => 'txt',
    'cgi'   => 'txt',
    'py'    => 'txt',
    'sh'    => 'txt',
    'exe'   => 'reject'


Note: I have not added this logic to the Admin direct upload functions yet but will in the final release if this works out well.

You can get the latest RC3 version from my site here

There is an upgrade script for those running version 1.2 but anyone running 1.3RC[1 or 2] will only need to replace their files.
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It may be to late for this, but say I have a wallpaper that has 3 or 4 different sizes - 640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768 ect... I don't want to have four entries for it. Is there anyway to link multiple files to one entry?

Something like this -

File Title        800x600

with links to home page for each??

Just a thought

Shane | www.EyeCraveDVD.com

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Sounds like a pretty specific request and have not see a lot of demand for that. Would require quite a bit of editing to support.

Now to reply to the very same post on my site that was posted 2 min after this one. Why people do this I just don' know and if I don't reply to both places it will look like I'm not supporting my plugins
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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Specific, but I would imagine that there are quite a few people who would like this functionality. Having several files associated with a single entry would be quite a useful extension... perhaps for version 2...

This would be quite an interesting advance though. It would greatly improve the power of the filemanagement plugin and make it more of an archive - imagine a descriptive page for each present entry, that can contain any number of related files (images, documents, media, etc). That would be something... I have a few bits of somethign I started throwing together some time ago along similar lines that was intended to be a document repository (I was calling it the Archive plugin). The filemanagement plugin could easily become that with a lot less work.

2 yen's worth.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Quote by eyecravedvd: Blaine,

It may be to late for this, but say I have a wallpaper that has 3 or 4 different sizes - 640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768 ect... I don't want to have four entries for it. Is there anyway to link multiple files to one entry?

Something like this -

File Title 800x600

with links to home page for each??

Just a thought

I would love to have this feature to. I to have wallpapers for download that are three different sizes.

"friends don't help friends run windows"


In the end I think its a good idea to have an extended system that can link several files together. Also for version control it might be better to link all versions to one entry instead of having to search for different entries.

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I really did not create this new topic to hear everyones' wants and desires - that would be a new topic. This topic is related to the updates that I have made. I'm interested in hearing from anyone that has installed it.

Does the install or upgrade go clean ?
Do the new features work ?

There have been about 50 downloads so I guess no news is good news
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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Quote by Blaine: There have been about 50 downloads so I guess no news is good news

It is. No problems for me, so far.

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Installing was a bit more difficult because it needs more directories than other plugins, but: no problems, works fine to me.

Thnx Blaine!
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