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Modding XSilver

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Registered: 05/17/04
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How would I change the background color in between the header and footer, it is currently grey, and I would like to make it green. I saw some XFlame or some theme, that was just a modded XSilver with a flaming background.

Thanks !

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Quote by computerade: How would I change the background color in between the header and footer

Investigate header.thtml of the layout you want to change the color.
E.g. for XSilver header.thtml look for #CCCCCC. Then change it to e.g. #00CC33, save it and see how it works.

If you want to change e.g. colors in themes, they sit in either style.css or other template files like header.thtml, footer.thtml, etc. When you know exactly which color you want to change try to verify it (with any of those WYSIWG html editors), e.g. background color between header and footer for XSilver is #CCCCCC. Find it and replace with the color of your choice.
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Awesome god i love geeklog

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