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Amazon Web Services broken?

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Registered: 04/08/04
Posts: 47
I have two sites that use the Amazon integration to get book information via the AWS. Both have stopped working recently. I put some debug code in there and it seems amazon is not returning any data.

There are two error checks, namely

if(!is_array($amazon->records)) ...
if(isset($amazon->errorMsg)) ...

but none is triggered. When it gets to the

foreach($amazon->records as $ind => $arr)

the code in the foreach does not get executed at all. Once would be nice for my purposes.

Has anybody else noticed a probem with AWS?

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Registered: 01/28/04
Posts: 36
My site's Amazon websevices has not been working either. Same problem. It was working fine until recently.

"friends don't help friends run windows"

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Probably some backwards compatibility break in the XML support. FWIW, I think people would be better off using SOAP instead. I've got a library that implements almost all of the Amazon API if anybody wants to try it out and help polish it off.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


im one of the maintainers of the code and yes they changed the XMLi. i havent had time to work on a fix it, but i am interested in any body reimplementing the api to use soap. We were useing a third party API that is no longer being developedI


I've been wondering about this too... has anyone made a fix for this? I liked the Amazon integration with Geeklog, its a shame that it just doesn't work anymore...

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Quote by Tony: Probably some backwards compatibility break in the XML support. FWIW, I think people would be better off using SOAP instead. I've got a library that implements almost all of the Amazon API if anybody wants to try it out and help polish it off.

What's up with this? I would happy to take a crack at it. I don't have much free time but I could take some to "polish it off".
Yes I am mental.

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