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Images in Block Code

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Registered: 02/08/04
Posts: 68
I've created a block for an 'advertisement' and created this 'ad' in HTML code. I put the code in the "Normal Block Options/Block Content" section of the 'block setup'. It works fine, except for an image that I need to be displayed in this block with this code. At first, it worked, but then I realized that this was because I had the code 'looking' for the file on the users' computer, not on the server. I've tried several different ways of trying to get this code to 'retrieve' this file from the server, but all to no avail. I've searched the forums for any information on 'images in blocks' and found nothing, so I'm posting my question here....

What 'format' of a 'path' would I use to get to an image file on the server?


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Registered: 02/08/04
Posts: 68
I did get it to work by using a URL (as long as the image is in a directory where a URL will 'access' it). But, I would still like to know how to 'access' an image in a 'private' (hidden from 'web access') directory on the server, from within the HTML code in a block.


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Quote by johnjr: But, I would still like to know how to 'access' an image in a 'private' (hidden from 'web access') directory on the server, from within the HTML code in a block.

You can't do that from a "normal" block, as that would require some PHP code. Geeklog's getimage.php does that, for example.

bye, Dirk

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