Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 09:56 pm EST

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New thought for New User email


I know there has been talk forever about new users not getting their password email, and although i thought I had fixed it, it is still not working.

So I have an idea for a hack, but wouldn't know how to write it. It kicks out the random password and email process completely. Every new user would be given the same generic password (like "password" or "123456" that they could log in with right away and change.

This seems like it would make the process easier. Thoughts, anyone?


Are you saying that they would be able to login without getting an email from the system before being able to login and then change their password. If so...why bother with sending an email in the first place? I see a few problems in that scheme:

1. No varification from the user.
2. Possible SPAM fest on that system that had such a login role like that.
3. Multiple fake usernames that would be un-controllable. 4. Not being able to get responses back from the site that someone had posted a reply in any given forum/topics.

I'm sure there are other reason out there that others can think of.

Don't get me wrong here, but its okay to have any thoughts and ideas for improvement. They are always welcomed. Its great to have users share their thoughts for improvements, and Geeklog community is encouraged to always voice their ideas for improvements.

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Well I know the pain of not being able to email anything from the site incl emails
My solution was to enable usersubmission queue and then send them emails myself with login and pass. Tedious but works, and they can actually register. Also better than seeing an error "Couldn't send mail blah blah blah"
Geeklog Polish Support Team


Is there a fix for sending the email, It looks as if the mail portion of the script is working however users are not receiving their emails. Any fixes

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see if this story helps you out.


good luck

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