Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 06:04 am EST

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I Will Pay $$$ to have someone help with my Geeklog


I am a designer who took on a project that I thought Geeklog would be perfect for. Since my install I have been having a series of problems I cant figure out and I am already 3 weeks behind schedule.

First the Weather 2.0 plug in...

Loads fine but if you try to get the forecast I get this error:

Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /homepages/44/d105060507/htdocs/ivyzoo.net/public_html/weather/phpweather.inc on line 768

- It could be something I am doing- I know nothing of MySql and when I get directions like "just run the script" well that means nothing to me- I installed PHP MyAdmin on my server but have no idea what any of it means.

Second task-

ZClassifieds- the layout being in the index.php script is a bummer. I got it running but how the heck do I get it to reference my Style Sheet? It loads ON TOP of my whole design- making it absolutely useless.

You can see these errors in action at : www.ivyzoo.net


Those interested please email me at:


THANKS and please HURRY!!!!


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For the weather block you better approach Squatty himself. I was never able to make the 2.0 version work. I use 1.0 on all my sites. After over a year of observation, I still don't find the benefit of 2.0, it still gets removed whenever the source site is down. Both versions are virtually the same to me.

I have zClassified in only one of my sites and have no problem. Contact the creator, or I usually go to Blaine.

Hope you can resolve your problem soon.


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I believe this thread at Squatty.com should help you with the Weather plugin. I don't really see the problem with the ZClassifieds. It looks fine to me. Nice site.

Hope that helps.

Sign up at PlanetDouglas.com today.


Thanks to euan (www.heatherengineering.com) things are in working order. He did get the weather block working just fine for me (but for the homepage only) although all the comments about V2 makes me worry a bit... we'll have to see how things go.

Comicbookguy is another life saver- helping me in the past with the RSS feeds. Thanks for all your help! By the way, the classifieds now look fine because Euan helped by adding an import call in the function.inc to reference the Style Sheet. My orginial problem with zClassfieds is the fact that the HTML is in the php files- being a noobie at this stuff that confused me.

Well now it's time to pass the site to it's owner, have him add some content- and move on. I am planning on running the powerful geeklog for another site too- I will post the links when it is live...

Thanks everyone for your attention and help.



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