Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, September 07 2024 @ 09:18 pm EDT

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Success page is blank


I have done everything correctly as far as I know thus far.
I have created my database. CHMOD'ed everything that was needed, started the install in the database, ran step 2 of 2, then i get to the success page and it is blank.
Did I do everything right? What am I missing?


I went into my error.log in the admin/install/ directory and opened it up. It reads:

[27-Sep-2004 11:22:28] PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'blog@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/bordumb/public_html/blog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 108

I also noticed that the log is not CHMOD to 777. It is 644 and I am unable to change it.

WHat does that error mean? Could that be why I am unable to view any pages?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany


Thanks for that, However I do believe I have everything set up correctly.

$_DB_host = 'localhost'; // host name or IP address of your DB server
$_DB_name = 'bordumb_blog'; // name of your database,
// must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'bordumb_blog'; // MySQL user name
$_DB_pass = '*********'; // MySQL password

are those set up correctly? I have the database set up as the same name as the username. just 'blog'

Or does the database name have to be my domain?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Nick: are those set up correctly?

How are we supposed to know? If in doubt, ask your hosting service.

bye, Dirk


I have gone over everything with the administrators of my hosting company and did everything EXACTLY as I as supposed to.
The only thing I can think that I have done wrong would be that when I changed the permissions to these folders:


I did not change the permissions to the files and folders inside of all of those. Must this be done to each and every FILE and folder inside of those as well?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
If the error message is still "PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user ..." as above, then the problem is with the database permissions, not with file permissions.

Make sure you've actually uploaded your changes and into the correct directory.

But, yes, you're supposed to change the permissions of the files in the logs and backend folders, too (the others only contain dummy files which can be ignored).

bye, Dirk


The database permissions MUST be set up correctly.
40 tables were set up and are all good to go.

Table Action Records Type Size Overhead
gl_access Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 20 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_article_images Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_blocks Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 10 MyISAM 7.0 KB -
gl_commentcodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.0 KB -
gl_commentmodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 4 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_comments Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_cookiecodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 8 MyISAM 2.2 KB -
gl_dateformats Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 18 MyISAM 2.8 KB -
gl_events Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_eventsubmission Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_featurecodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.0 KB -
gl_features Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 22 MyISAM 4.1 KB -
gl_frontpagecodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_group_assignments Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 42 MyISAM 4.4 KB -
gl_groups Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 14 MyISAM 3.7 KB -
gl_links Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 5.2 KB -
gl_linksubmission Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_maillist Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_personal_events Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_plugins Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 3.1 KB -
gl_pollanswers Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 7 MyISAM 2.3 KB -
gl_pollquestions Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 7.1 KB -
gl_pollvoters Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_postmodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_sessions Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_sortcodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_speedlimit Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_staticpage Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 0 MyISAM 1.0 KB -
gl_statuscodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_stories Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 9.8 KB -
gl_storysubmission Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 2.3 KB -
gl_syndication Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 1 MyISAM 5.1 KB -
gl_topics Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 2 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_tzcodes Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 58 MyISAM 3.8 KB -
gl_usercomment Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_userindex Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 5.1 KB -
gl_userinfo Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
gl_userprefs Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 2.0 KB -
gl_users Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 3.3 KB -
gl_vars Browse Search Insert Properties Drop Empty 3 MyISAM 2.1 KB -
40 table(s) Sum 245 -- 111.3 KB 0 Bytes

As far as I know and have been told, the database permissions are set just fine.


This is how I have everything set up. From the tarball of geeklod that I had downloaded, I set up the config file and ther lib-common file as they should be.
I then took all the files that were in the public_html folder and put ALL of them in my main directory where I want my Weblog to be.
I them created another folder called configfolder inside of the nick folder.
I then dragged all of the other files except from the public_html files, into this folder. The config file as well.

I then went to nick/admin/install/install.php and started the installation. I then put in the location of the config file which is /home/"my cpanel-name"/public_html/nick/configfolder/config.php

I am assuming this is all correct.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Can you explain again what your problem is now?

Apparently, you've run the install script and it created all the tables. So which error message are you getting now?

bye, Dirk

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