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Unable to use FileMan after GeekLog install

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Registered: 09/28/04
Posts: 9
I always used FileMan as a shell for my remote webhost. I just got through installing GeekLog and cannot access it anymore.

When I try to access it, at http://mysite/cgi-bin/fileman.cgi, the login screen pops up. I fill in the username and password and hit enter. Then, the login pops up again. (Rinse and repeat = same thing) I can't get into FileMan anymore.

Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it?

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hi did you install sp2 for win xp . and if so is microsoft's firewall off

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Registered: 09/28/04
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Yes I installed sp2 for win xp. The firewall was on, I turned it off and tried FileMan again. Same results.

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did you turn off windows new firewall or yours (McKafee, norton , other) because i had to disable windows new firewall in the services , ther run repair on norton security in order to get mysql to pass through . also i am using named pipes on localhost , so 3306 is not listed as an open port

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I have a remote host and I disabled the Windows firewall locally. That is all I've ever had. The problem of not being able to log in to FileMan came after I installed GeekLog. Come to think of it, I used FileMan after the SP2 install and before the GeekLog install to remove a WordPress setup.

I thought maybe the GeekLog install had something to do with the problem and wondered if anyone else had the same situation. What I'm getting is the FileMan login popup coming up repeatedly, instead of taking me to the directories.

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I don't think geeklog could mes up fileman. I never used fileman, but from what I could make up from there side, it looks like a perl aplication. It would be very weird if geeklog (php) could have something to do with fileman (perl).

Maybe there went something wrong with the database (if fileman uses it?).

Perhaps you should check your .htacess file or maybe your premisions for the cgi-bin folder? Or you could ask your question again at the fileman site


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Registered: 09/28/04
Posts: 9
Thanks for the advice. You're right, it had nothing to do with the recent GeekLog install - just a coincidence. The solution, in case anyone else runs up against this, was a simple deletion of the old browser cookie and logging into FileMan again, thereby creating another cookie.

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Quote by pezastic: You're right, it had nothing to do with the recent GeekLog install - just a coincidence.

Well, since you mentioned cookies - maybe not. It's possible that FileMan and Geeklog use the same cookie names.

If you experience any further problems (with either FileMan or Geeklog) that may be cookie-related, try renaming Geeklog's cookies (in config.php).

bye, Dirk

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