Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 11:56 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

Implementing other php scripts into geeklog?


Hi everyone. I've got another question for you all. I'm working on implementing another php script into geek log that counts how many times a link has been clicked. For my site (a game website with custom made downloads) I like to keep track of how many times my things have been downloaded, and I'd like to let other people see this too. The code for making the other script display the number of times the link has been clicked is: and it will display some text saying Downloaded X Times. Well It's incorparated next to the edit link and according to the source, all the correct info is there, but it won't display the "Downloaded X Times" text. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is it a security measure I can change somewhere? Thanks in advance!


I think your text got stripped of the actual code.


Whoops, sorry about that. The code is supposed to be:
Text Formatted Code
<? $link="./dir/to/file"; include "jump.php"; ?>
I know it's not the code itself as I made a php page with nothing but this code and it works, so I don't know why the text isn't showing on my site where it should be. Thanks in advance for the help everyone.

All times are EST. The time is now 11:56 pm.

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