Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 23 2024 @ 11:59 am EST

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Help! Filemgmt in 1.3.10rc1


As soon as I upgraded from 1.3.9sr2, the following happened:
1) The "downloads" link dissapeared from the menu .
2) When I manually go to /filemgmt/index.php, it ONLY works for me as admin. As anonymous user, I get

ERROR: No access to this Document Repository Section
User does not have access to the Document Repository

3) The "DOWNLOADS last 2 wks" got empty!

I see it works in this site, so what gives?!

I didn't change any of filemgmt's config. And I did check it just to make sure it allows anonymous users.


I should also mention that after I got paniced, I uninstalled it, exported its tables, re-installed it, deleted the new tables and imported the new ones instead.

The only difference is that I think that originally, the "DOWNLOADS last 2 wks" did work (but I'm sure the first 2 stopped working as soon as I upgraded).


Alright, I just found out I needed to enable the "plugins"' menu elements in config.php.

BUT, I still get problems 2) + 3)!


Ok, it works now.
The lesson from this is next time there's an upgrade, please tell us important things like to enable the "plugins" menu in config.php

If some admin like to delete this entire topic, please do so...


1. its a RC, so do not install it in case you might panic if something does not work anymore all of a sudden!

2. I also thought its not a good idea to take out the plugins section from the menu by default in the config.php (see my comment to the anouncment)

3. I do think it might be good to force people read the config.php in EVERY detail.

4. I do not remember correctly where that was, but in some program you had to find some anounced but hidden "bug" in the config file to make sure you read everything in depth. Looking at this thread makes me think this might be a good idea for geeklog also


RC or not, it would still probably happen in the official version too...


I was not talking about if the error was a serious one or not. If one downloads a rc1, you can expect that the main system is working under most circumstances, but not with every 3rd-party extension, and that some of the new features might still contain bugs & glitches. So if you install such a system, and some error message comes up, there should be no reason to get scared, since something like this should be expected...

but again, the current defaults in the RC1 are not good, also from my viewpoint.

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Quote by tokyoahead: I do not remember correctly where that was, but in some program you had to find some anounced but hidden "bug" in the config file to make sure you read everything in depth. Looking at this thread makes me think this might be a good idea for geeklog also

yes yes... i remember a hunk of code that made you read it in order to find and delete the "die" code and if you didn't read the whole page the program would "die." I thought that was ingenious and hilarious! it was also a good idea.


I think it was some BBS-Script or similar. must be about 8 years ago or longer.

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