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Strange ???

The Wizard

Im getting the letter n showing up in some of the blocks and also when im in the admin next to the user permission check boxes, and the really strange thing is that sometimes there gone and then sometimes they come back. I have tried to undo some of things I changed recently to see what it is that might be causing it. I am stumped??? Confused

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Check if you have magic_quotes_runtime = On in your php.ini and switch it off if it is (or ask your hosting service to do it for you).

bye, Dirk

The Wizard

Dirk thx for the reply I check the php.ini with the admin tool box phpinfo tool and it shows that magic_quotes_runtime is off ??

The Wizard

Here is a link to my site to see for yourself. here

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Registered: 07/13/02
Posts: 57
Try a different theme just to pinpoint the "bug". My hunch tells me that you have edited one of the theme files with a bad editor which has changed \\r\\n to [newline] followed by an [n]. But that's just my gut feeling. Wink

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The Wizard

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Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
jhk thx! good sugestion but it didnt work. I suspect its something in the php.ini file on my host because I have the exact same setup at the house on my dev machine and the only difference I have been able to see is the setting in the php.ini being different I am using the admin tool box from squatty.com which is really a nifty tool it lets you see the php.ini settings. There are quite a few differences which im trying one at a time here at the house to see if I can make it happen on this machine......im bugging out here! lol Shocked

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The Wizard

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Registered: 11/14/04
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Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bump! If anyone has anymore Idea's I would love to hear them.... Confused

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The Wizard

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Registered: 11/14/04
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Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
Heres a screenshot of the n's in the admin panel SCREENSHOT Doh! - that was a mistake

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did you by any chance edit the following from your config.php?
Text Formatted Code
if (!defined ('LB')) {



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The Wizard

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Registered: 11/14/04
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Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
no...that is how it looks in my config, should it look that way?


yup, it should... just thought i'd get lucky Razz

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The Wizard

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Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
Yeah! It's fix I could never find the minor detail that was causing it but I know it was something the config.php file I simply just grabbed a virgin copy and changed the nessary fields and it's all better! Mr. Green

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perhaps if you compared the config.php you were using to the one you are using now, you might find what the problem was... I would be interested to know what the cause was.

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The Wizard

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Registered: 11/14/04
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Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
Machinari OMG! I can't believe it I looked at this 1000 times......you were right on!

Text Formatted Code
if (!defined ('LB')) {


Text Formatted Code
if (!defined ('LB')) {


The bottom one was the one causing the problem, I must have been blind lol I looked right at it Shocked

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